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So yeah guys im sorry for updating so late.

School works sucks.

So to make it up to you i've made a bonus.

So enjoy.

Third pov.

"you're mom is ugly menma, and how the heck is he a man instead of a woman? A freak indeed" a boy with a black hair tied into a bun said laughing with his friends.

The menma who was mentioned was just standing there staring blankly at them, he did not flinch or cried or initiate a fight with them like a normal people whould do at this kind of situation.

He's just standing there with a blank eyes, and emotion less face.

"are you done? I have to go home" menma replied bored, in his eyes those people who's insulting and hurting his mother was lame, very lame in his eyes.

Disgusting creatures, knowing nothing other than to judge their own kind.

Maybe they're just came from another planet to start with.

The boys who was spating nonesense frown and walked away.

"you're no fun at all, tch emo" he said before leaving.

Menma walked away as well from the spot he was standing a while ago ready to go home.

Walking calmly into the door of his home as if nothing had happened at all.

Opening the door the sweet aroma of honey welcomed him.

He glanced at the nearby kitchen door.

"sai was cooking menma, okaeri" naruto said beside him. Menma flinched, surprised by his mother.

"kami-sama mom... Please don't do that again, tadaima" he replied, naruto just laughed at him.

Menma followed his mother at the dinner table where was his siblings happily sitting waiting for sai to finish, unfortunately the food will take long to serve.

"how's your day menma?" naruto asked sitting beside his children, menma who also sat smiled.

"very fine mother" naruto looked directly at his eyes, menma fliched.


"tell me the truth menma" naruto said, naruto was well aware that the village hate him because of the rumours about him being a whore because of having 7 husbands.

Not to mention.

7 handsome alpha heirs

Had fallen for a 'he'

At the same time.

(smug look intensifies)

And he knows it was affecting menma.

"Sigh... Mother... There was this kid... And he said... You're ugly" his siblings gasp with shock on their faces, how the heck can't they see that their mother was clearly a goddess.

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