chapter 3

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Third person's pov.

"naruto was leaving." sasuke stated behind some random bush baside the gate with 6 other idiots with him stalking naruto.

"we're not blind." neji said with a blank face looking at sasuke who was now looking at him too with the same expression.

"then why are you listening?" sasuke asked him with a mocking tone neji just gave him a huff and shrugged him off, he was not getting pissed at sasuke for such nonesense.

"he was holding a scroll, do anyone of you knows what is it?" shino said as he turned his head at the others, who was currently stucked their own face on the other side of the bush like some fangirl looking at a random handsome boy. Hope they won't catch some insects inside the bush that shino was not in control with.

"SUNA." gaara said getting his face out of the the bush same with other. Kiba looked at him with confusion in his eyes.

"what's with your homeland/SUNA?" kiba asked giving akamaru a pat on his head.

"that scroll is a permission to enter SUNA." gaara stated blankly as if speaking too much would give him some sorethroat.

"so the hokage knows that he was leaving because only hokage can give such scroll, how troublesome." shikamaru daid holding his chin and who knows what he was thinking at a time like this.

A few seconds of silence.

"he's getting away, what should we do?" sai asked looking at everyone who has their own world.

"it's not a problem, we already know that he was heading to SUNA and hokage-sama won't allow us to leave." kiba stated for the first time for his entire life being so smart.

Everyone looked at him shocked that they can't disagree bacause he has a point.

"kiba, do have some severe disease?" sai asked smiling at him kiba just slap the back of his head then getting up and leaving the other behind.

'i got insulted'

Kiba thought as the others followed him saying that they were wrong for being too shocked.

"anyways why are you guys also stalking naruto? I'll admit that i was stalking him because i like him." kiba said blushing, the 6 idiots blushed too.

"then you guys has the same reason as i do?" sai asked getting serious then everyone nodded with determination in their eyes.

Looking at each other with their alpha scents, dominating.

No one was backing down even gaara who everyone knows doesn't care at anything, was fighting for his desire.

Citizens around them shivers just looking at the 8 years old alpha brats dominating each other was giving them goosebumps.

As expected from the 5 main family heirs, an assasin and the kazekage's son.

They will not letting their own pride shattered.

"heh.. What a drag." shikamaru said leaving them alone for their such 'wonderful' time, he was not getting onto any fights with them he rather sleep and think of naruto.

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