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It was like everything from then on happened in slow motion, just like in the movies.

Gaspard had popped out of the blue seconds before those lowlives could lay a finger on me. He pushed them all off of me and if I wasn't so afraid of the fact that I was almost raped then I would appreciate the strength Gaspard had and how sexy he looked when he shoved them away.

I was hyperventilating, still positioned on the floor with my nails digging into the carpet. I felt woozy, the alcohol was beginning to take a toll on me. Gaspard was yelling at them and they were yelling back. My maudlin brain could only handle so much noise as their hollers turned to jargon in my ears. It was giving me a shit storm headache.

"You weren't meant to do this!"

"Dude, dont get so worked up".

"Yeah, we weren't even being serious".

"It didn't fucking look like that to me".

"Pfft! It's not even a big deal, Gaspard".

"Yeah, stop being such an asswipe, man".

"Not a big deal? Can you hear yourselves? Of course it's a big deal! What the fuck were you idiots trying to pull?"

"Calm down, man".

"Get your fucking hands off of me, man and don't you dare tell me to calm down. This wasn't even part of the fucking plan!"

"We were just trying to have some fun, man. You cant be the only one getting something out of this".

"What plan, Gaspard?" I asked, trying to lift myself off of the carpeted floor.

I was confused. My vision slowly began to mist, their voices reached my ears as unintelligible sounds and I could only pick out tidbits of their heated conversation.

Pain surged through my head and I winced.

"Shit!" Gaspard exclaimed, looking back at me. He let out a string of incomprehensible words to the guys and dashed to my side, stooping to my level. He wrapped his arms around me, muttering sweet nothings in my ears. He said, "I am so sorry, Bayla but I have to do what I have to do".

He scooped me up and cradled me in his arms and I nestled my head against his chest. "What the fuck does that mean?" I muttered, my voice muffled up by his shirt.

I could hear the sound of his boots clicking as he ran down the flight of stairs and swiftly out of the house. The cold air wasn't enough to make me sober up but had felt like a whiplash, atrocious and bitchy. I shivered and he only pulled me tighter to him.

Gaspard opened up the doors and set me down gently in the backseat, draping me with a blanket.

Curling myself further into the warmth of the blanket, I asked, "Why do you even have this, weirdo?"

From my blurry vision, I could make out his shrug and smile. "You just sleep. I'll take you home".

And that he did. I didn't even notice when he had pulled up at my front gate. What I did know was him greeting Ian and my mom who had been waiting on me and then taking me up to my room, tucking me into bed.

I smiled as he adjusted my head on the pillow, poking his cheek. "You're so sweet, you know that?"

He gave me a weak smile and nodded. "Goodnight, Bayla".

I shut my eyes, letting sleep take over when I heard him mutter something along the lines of : "I'm so, so, sorry, Bayla".

The last thing I heard was the sound of my door clicking shut.

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