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I woke up happy the following morning because I had already set out a casual fit for today's date with Gaspard and because I had a very long talk with mom last night. Sure it was emotional but after finally pouring out my feelings and mom crying profusely at the same time apologising, we both realized that the convo we had was long overdue. I had told her everything and I mean everything and after I did, I felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off of me.

My fallout with Cullen yesternight still unnerved me but I knew I had to move on with my life. He'll come around at some point.

I hopped out of the shower feeling refreshed (only because I scrubbed myself down using different fruit-scented soaps my mom gave me) and ready to take on the world- or preferably conquer my first ever date with a boy.

I had picked out a pink long sleeve floral sun dress and brown boots. Mom said it was cute.

I smacked on my glossed lips, pulled my mousy curls (courtesy mom and her handy curling iron)into a high ponytail and spritzed on some floral-scented perfume.

Mom looked me over as I got down the stairs, my white purse in hand, and gave me a smile of approval, nodding her head and twirling me so she could get a better look at me.

Aaron was leaning on the kitchen island, munching on an apple and stopped mid-munch when he saw me. Some chewed up apple fell out of his mouth and I chuckled.

He walked up to me and sussed me out.

"Who is this girl and what has she done to my sister?" He faux-gasped and I giggled. My cheeks were tinted a light pink from the attention I wasn't used to getting from both him and mom. With a wide smile (I thought he was straining some muscles from smiling so much) he said, "You look amazing Bayla and if that French boy doesn't tell you that and more then he's either blind or plain dense".

"Thanks, Aaron", I turned to look at mom- who to my surprise dabbed the tears that gathered at the corner of her eyes with the kerchief she wore around her neck. Dramatic much? "Thanks for everything, mom".

"It's okay", She said the same time I said, "Please stop crying".

"I can't believe how grown you are. Look at you going on your first date".

"With a senior", Aaron added and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, senior or not, I wish you the best, miel", she finished, gracing my cheek with her warm hand. "I hope you have a good time".

I was about to say a thank you when I heard a gentle knock on the door.

"I'll get it". Aaron dashed bolted, adjusted his bouncy waves and opened the door, bearing a straight face as he glared at Gaspard.

And God, Gaspard looked so good in a black sweatshirt shirt and faded jeans!

Aaron cleared his throat, "Looking for someone?"

Mom and I rolled our eyes at Aaron's antics. Though I have to admit I'm eager to see how this plays out.

"Hi". Gaspard's smile was as placid as his demeanor: easy and without a worry in the world, as he held out his hand for Aaron to shake. When Aaron didn't shake his hand, he dropped it in a fluid motion and smirked. "I'm actually here for Bayla. I'm taking her out. The name's Gaspard".

Aaron didn't even crack a smile, "Where to?"

Gaspard dug his hands into his pockets and grinned at me, over Aaron's shoulder, "I'm afraid I can't say it. It's a surprise for her".

A deep blush seeped into my cheeks.

Aaron crossed his arms over his chest, sizing up Gaspard. "I want her home before-" My mom coughed up a 10pm for Aaron. "Before ten. Got that? And I want her safe. Don't try any funny business while you're at it. Are we clear on that?"

Gaspard gave a full smile now and my heart beat picked up. "Crystal".

Gaspard tried to come in but Aaron got in his way.

Mom rolled her eyes, "Oh for the love of God". She pushed Aaron out of her way and let Gaspard in with a soft smile.

He looked down at my mom and it dawned on me that he was taller than I thought.

"You must be Bayla's older sister", he said and with the way my mom blushed and giggled, I knew she was already on team Gaspard.

"No, I'm her mother". She pinched his cheek, "What a darling!" She said to a brooding Aaron. "Anyway, you two should get going now. Don't wanna be late".

I was so glad she didn't embarrass me any more than Aaron did.

"Génesis, don't forget to take your multivitamins. I put them in your purse for you since you forgot", she hollered just when we were out the door. "Gaspard dear, please make sure she takes them".

I spoke too soon.

"Sure thing Mrs. Lakes", he yelled back and led us to his car.

My cheeks were burning. I purposely didn't put the vitamins in my bag because I sure as hell didn't need to take it with me on my date!

Shit, what would Gaspard think?

"He'd think it's cute your mom cares so much about you".

I whipped my head to a smirking Gaspard, revving up the car.

"Y-you...I said that out loud?" Could this get any more embarrassing?

He nodded and pulled out of my place and then started driving smoothly on the road. While he hummed softly, I drowned in my mortification.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked after mustering up some courage.

"It's a secret", he winked. "By the way, you look perfect".

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