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DATE: September 15th,2014.
TIME: 09:01pm
Dear diary,
It's been a week and four days since Rania's threat and since then she hasn't made a move. I won't lie that I'm not agitated. Something is fishy and I don't think I wanna find out what it is.


It's time for gym class and I immediately feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I hate sports more than anything and being obligated to attend a class that's all about sports is just pure hell for me.

I change into my Lakewood sports uniform which consists of a baggy blue t-shirt that has "Go Sharks!"on it and a pair of awkwardly tight grey lace up shorts. It's awkward on me but seems to look just dapper on every other person.

On getting there, Coach Princeton blows the whistle and makes us form a line. He begins to bark out what we're to do for the day.

Dodge ball.

Someone please shoot me!

The warm ups we did weren't pleasant. Not only because I'm allergic to sports but also because I share this class with Za'Niyah Bell. A member of the Kahunas.

She shoots me daggers when our eyes finally meet and the fear takes over me, making me stumble on the floor while holding my leg up. This seems to catch everyone's attention and Coach Princeton doesn't make my situation any better.

"You got a case of shaky legs this fine day, Ms.Lakes?" His accent was so thick and shuddery that I was unable to speak out.

Rubbing my now aching ankle, I sputtered, "N-n-no....I-I-I think I've g-got a sprained ankle?"

Why does it always have to come out as a question?

"Go to the nurse", he spat out.

I sprang to my feet but the action made me whimper.

"No please", I pleaded.

I didn't want to be alone anywhere in this school. I'm not safe and Ingrid's still absent which means I have no one to protect me. Rania could be lurking in the hallway. She could be anywhere!

I turned to look at the coach and gulped. "I'd rather stay on the bench, at least till this class ends".

Coach Princeton gave me a hard look then shrugged.

He then continued to bark out instruction and I sat there on the bench, twisting my fingers in agitation and rubbing my sweaty palms against my shorts.

If Rania wants to attack me then she should do it quick and just put me out of my misery already.


The last class for today was Spanish.

It was my favorite and I was glad that I made it to to the end of the school day without getting scathed - that's if you scratch off the sprained ankle.

To my surprise, the guy I bumped into in the hallway like a week ago was sharing this class with me.

Since I'd only seen him in the hallway that day, I didn't fully make out his features except his hazel eyes.

But now that he was sitting directly beside me, I could make out more than his beautiful eyes.

He had light brown skin and dark brown hair tinted a lighter shade of brown at the tip. His lips were plump and pink, his brows were carved with perfection - not too bushy but not too scanty either. His nose was tiny and firm and he-

He was looking at me right now!

Shit! He caught me staring.

I quickly averted my gaze and fixed them on the foreign language I penned down in my note.

Class went by swiftly and I began to pack up. I didn't notice I was part of the few students left, neither did I notice that part of the few was this hot guy that caught me gawking at him.


His voice was rich and smooth. He smelled like peppermint and spice and he was way hotter up close.

I found myself trembling.

This was the first time since second grade that a guy this hot spoke to me and didn't further ask for help with an assignment.

I didn't know how to react. As sad as it may seem, the only person I ever talk to is Ingrid. I'm a social pariah and apart from Ingrid, I talk to teachers. I'm not even a teacher's pet.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and looked out of the class, checking to see if Rania and the Kahunas were waiting for me there.

"Hey?" he said this time around, smiling.

"Hi". My voice was lower than my self esteem.

The boy didn't seem to mind.

Stretching out his hand, he said, "I'm Cullen. Nice to meet you".

I looked at his hand and the first thing that came to my mind was whether he was shitting me. No hot guy had ever walked up to me without having an ulterior motive and by that I mean motives in the academic field.

I took his hands with my shaking ones and he seemed amused. I enjoyed the warmth of his hands for a second too long. When he pulled away, my cheeks reddened. He didn't seem to be weirded out though.

"What's your name?"

"B-B-Bayla L-Lakes".

He smiled like I didn't just stammer out my own name. I'm not even a stammerer!

"Cool", he said swinging his bag swiftly across his broad shoulders," See you 'round?"

Speaking was out of the question here so I just nodded. He smiled and left me there completely shit smacked.

The air was cold as I walked outside of school. I missed the bus but I didn't mind because Cullen occupied my thoughts. His pretty face in my head would get me through the long trek home.

It was the car horn that brought me back to reality. Rania rolled down her windscreen and gave me the finger. Once my eyes darted to the puddle she was going to drive by, I braced myself for the impact because I knew what she was going to do. I couldn't escape.

Rania splashed the dirty water at me and sped off.

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