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The engine of his car was running as he helped me in, soft jazz music playing from the radio.

I winced a smile as I turned to him ,"Thanks, Faust".

"Dont sweat it, Bay". His smile was warm and genuine.

Raking a hand through my hair, I blew out a breath, trying to let it all sink in.

After witnessing the worst fight ever between my parents, I stepped out and stood outside the house and called Aaron. He was at Faust's. I told him everything and he rushed over. By the time he and Faust arrived, dad had left and mom was in some sort of shocked state. He said he'd stay with mom, make sure she's okay. Mom wasn't okay. And I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle anything. So I told Faust to drive me away. Anywhere far, far away from my home, from hell.

Silence consumed the whole ride but later, Faust spoke up.

"You're such a badass".

My brows drew together in confusion, "What?"

"You didn't even shed a single tear", he said. "Anyone I know would be bawling right about now. Me included".

I scoffed under my breath, twiddling my fingers, "Lucky them".

It was his turn to be confused. "What do you mean by that?"

I sighed and looked out the window, voicing out what has been swirling in my head for so long now, "Sometimes I think I've grown so fucked that I can't seem to trigger the tears anymore. It's like I'm too messed up for an endorphin release".

Shit, that was so warped but so true.

"Wanna know what I think?" I turned to look at him, a small smile playing on his lips.


"I don't think you're messed up", he said, "For you to have gone through all this, Bay? I think it means that you're pretty fucking strong".

He winked and I smiled.

I watched the buildings whisk by. "I'm thirsty".

Fast forward an hour later, Faust and I were in his car, beer bottles in hand, parked outside my house, talking and laughing about anything and everything our drunken selves could come up with.

So turns out that Faust always carries a slab in his car trunk and it's safe to say that tonight, he had successfully helped me drown my sorrows in alcohol.

"It's a good thing you parked right in front of my house before we started drinking. We would've probably driven off a cliff or something", I slurred and he laughed. Winding down the car window, I ducked my head out and revelled in the gust of wind that whooshed my hair. I sighed. "Ever looked at the stars and thought hey, I'm fucking brighter than you?"

Faust chortled, "Bay, you do know you're screaming and not making any sense right?"

Twisting my head around, I turned to look at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Your butt's in my face".

I settled in my chair and smiled at him. "Like you weren't enjoying the view".

That made him throw his head back and laugh.

"You okay?" He asked after some time.

I nodded. "Those beers you've got are the shit, though. Dont like throw them out or whatever just in case shit like this happens again and I might need them".

He chuckled, "Yeah, sure".

My eyes traced Faust's face. The moon light filtered in through the slats in the car window and cast its glow on his warm beige eyes and his thick dark ringlets toppled over his face. He was so handsome.

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