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In life there are always going to be bullies.

They prey on the kinds of the nerds, intellectual outsiders and other weaker species. It's then up to one to either retaliate or cower.

I didn't think I would be pegged as a bully-target. I wasn't "fat" anymore, neither was I "ugly". In fact, my self esteem level had increased these past months and it was evident in the way I carried myself so when these two girls I didn't even know threw my gym bag into the boys locker room, I was confused.

As seconds ticked by, my bemusement morphed into anger.

My brows knitted together and I muttered to myself, "What the fuck?"

Gym class was over and I went to freshen up. I got out of the showers just in time to see two blonde girls flinging my satchel into the boys locker room, door ajar. They walked past me laughing to themselves. I've gotten to a point in my life where I have zero tolerance for bullying or any sort of oppression and trust me I would've let those girls know that and given them a piece of my mind too if I wasn't running late for my next class.

Still clad in the sports uniform polo shirt and shorts, I stealthily made my way into the boys locker room, praying to God no one was there.

I sighted my bag and before I could do a small victory dance, I heard laughter. The male kind.


I shouldered my satchel, keeping a firm grasp on it and made to dash out of the place. I picked up pace when I heard footfalls coming from behind me.

"Cale? S'that you?"

You have got to be shitting me!

I slipped and just when I thought I would most likely face-plant or land on my ass right in the presence of whoever this guy was behind me, my head collided with something wet and hard.

"No, Sutton. I'm right here".

The person that owned the new voice had his wet hands around me, steadying me so I wouldn't fall.

I looked up and realized it was a mistake. The kind of mistake that made my cheeks warm up. My hands were latched onto his shoulders as I peered into very familiar cerulean eyes. "Caden?"

He smiled, looking down at me. "Caledon. You okay?"

I managed a weak nod.

Sutton cleared his throat and that was when I detached myself from Caledon Cassius. I distanced myself from him a good three feet and suddenly became hyper aware of the fact that I was alone in the boys locker room with two stupidly hot, semi-naked males.

Sutton seemed to notice how flustered I became and smirked. "May I ask why you're even here?"

His tone was more playful than derisive.

"I came here to get my bag".

Caledon's brows pulled together. "In here? How's that even possible?"

I scoffed and remembered the cunts that put me in this compromising position in the first place. "You tell me".

"Well, let me help you get the door", Sutton offered, feigning chivalry, a grin crossing his lips.

As Sutton gaited easily towards the door, I tried to focus on anything but the towel that hung loosely on his waist.

"Bayla, right?" Caledon asked, snapping me out of my carnal thoughts.

I nodded.

"Well, see you around", Sutton winked, holding the door open for me while Caledon just smiled.

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