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While the Arts teacher droned on, I couldn't help but glance at the nails of the girl seated next to me.

When she caught me staring, I was ready for the usual glare I was to get for openly staring. Except she smiled. And that threw me off even more.

"Hi". Her voice was as silky as her black hair, which was pulled into two Dutch braids that fell a little past her shoulders.

"Hi. I love your nails by the way" was probably what I should have said except I was struck with how beautiful a human's eyes could look. She wasn't pretty in the traditional sense but her eyes made up for it- a stunning russet brown.

And then went the bell.

Aphrodite (what I've decided to name her in the mean time) was packing up her stuff when I collected myself.

"Hey", I greeted, plastering a smile on my face.

"You're Bayla, right?" I nodded. "I figured it was you. The blonde that broke Maite's nose and pushed her against a locker".

"What? How did you...?"

She laughed, "I was there in the gym and the locker room".

"Oh". I flushed.

"Dont worry though". She smirked. "What you did was pretty badass. Well, that's just me".

She left and I found myself smiling like an idiot.

Whatever trance it is Aphrodite left me in broke when my eyes landed on Caledon. I'd been targeting him since the beginning of school and now that he was here, it was time to execute the first phase of my plan.

The drop.

Caledon was talking to some guys, one of whom I recognized to be Aiden from the beach that got him the esky.

"Oh, hey, Bayla", he smiled at me, running a hand through his dark hair.

I ignored the way his friends were blatantly checking me out and smiled back at him, greeting him in my chirpiest voice, "Hello Caledon. Sorry for intruding but I was wondering if you could help me out with..." I dug out my Arts textbook, "This".

"Gimme a sec guys", he excused himself.

We walked to a corner of the class, right next to the window. Placing the textbook open on the desk in front of me, I thumbed through the pages.

"Paper Craft?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I really wasn't following when Mr Basu was teaching. Think you can work me through it?"


As Caledon began his spiel, I watched his lips move and his fingers dart from title to title printed out on the book, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"So basically it's all about-"

"Shit", I sighed. "Dont worry, I'll get it".

Mid-spiel, I dropped my pen on to the floor and it stopped at his feet. Squatting down, I bent over to pick it up and to support myself, I went for his thigh, grasping it firmly, slowly helping myself up, pushing out my butt and looking him dead in the eyes.

The effect I wanted to have on him seemed to work perfectly. His eyes darted from my hand on his thigh before they finally settled on me. I could hear the guys in the corner whistling under their breath but I didn't care about them. It was a slutty move, fine, but it is what it is.

"Thanks for the support". I watched him flick his tongue over his lips nervously. "Oh and also for this", I added innocently, waving my textbook in his face.

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