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DATE: September 23rd,2014
       Dear diary,
         Isn't it pathetic how we waste so much time on certain people and in the end, they prove that they weren't even worth a second of it?
      Ingrid bs aside, though, I feel like something bad's gonna happen. Like the evil is just lurking around, waiting for the perfect opportunity to hit me.
   I also feel like I'm forgetting something important tonight...
Bay( ˘ ³˘)


The ringing of my phone woke me up.

I reached out for it on my bedside table and the caller ID was enough to fully chase away my sleep induced disorientation.

"Bay, where you at? The party's been going on for like an hour".

There's a party? And I'm invited...?


Dammit! I totally forgot about it.

"Uhm... I'm ready...it's just that I thought you'd come pick me up since I don't have a ride".
That's better than telling him that I completely forgot about the party he so kindly invited me to and slept off.

He was silent for a few seconds before he spoke up.

"Well, you should've called". I heard the sound of keys. "I'll be there in a few".

Once he hung up, my feet had a mind of their own as I scrambled to the shower.
I brushed my teeth and tongue aggressively till I drew blood. I showered twice just so I could be clean enough.

I've never been to a party. Never. And now I'm going to a party. One where lies my doom but I still have to manage to look presentable no matter what. I can't give Rania an opportunity to humiliate me. Even though that's inevitable tonight, I just have to work hard to reduce her chances.

And the only way I can do that is to look good. Now how exactly do I look good?

My eyes darted to my closet. I had nothing appealing in there. At least nothing appealing for a party.I thought about asking mom for help. She'd look for a way to combine this and that and somehow salvage my situation.

My gaze travelled from an ugly Christmas sweater on hanging on the rack to the wall clock. Ten minutes after nine. Cullen would be here any minute.

I dashed to my parents' room and rapped on the door for at least a minute before my dad opened up. I smiled at him weakly and he raised up a questioning brow.

I was in a robe, my hair was wet with droplets dripping on the floor and I smelled like fruit. Of course he'd be looking at me the way he was right now.

"I'm here for mom". He looked at me oddly like what I said wasn't enough. I tried again. "Girl stuff...?"

It honestly wasn't meant to come out as a question!

He gave me a long look, "Your mother is in the den".

How much time do I have for this?

I ran downstairs and found my mom perched on one of the ugly chairs reading a book. I didn't mean to disturb her honestly but could you blame me?

"Mom", I spoke softly, not wanting to alarm her.

She looked up at me, a small smile on her face.

Rosio was a good person. She was just a shit mother. But hey, no hard feelings. Not everyone is cut out for motherhood.

"Yes, Génesis?"

"Mom, I ...uhhh..." I'd never been in a situation where I'd ask my parents for permission to go to a party. Aaron's been doing it for years now and they seem to always let him go or does he leave without their approval?

God, I really need help!

"So there's this party my friend invited me to and..."I tugged on my bottom lip, thinking of how to put it. I mean it's simple for normal people but I really don't know how to ask. Believe it or not. She closed her book and placed it on the table.

"You need help?" She asked and I nodded.

"This friend of yours, if I'm correct, is that blonde girl. Ingrid?"

Everyone in this family, including Lolita knows that the only friend I have is Ingrid. Our parents know each other since we've been friends for years.

"No it's not Ingrid, it's a new friend I made. Cullen".

Her blue eyes that mirrored mine beamed with what seemed to be motherly joy of some sort.

It could be that or she's just shocked that her daughter made a new friend and has gotten invited to her first party.

I didn't give her the chance to speak, "Mom please I need your help in getting ready for the party".

She smiled and ushered me out, closing the door behind us. We both went to my room and after concluding that my closet was useless, she took me to her room.

Rosio Lakes went to work with a curling iron and lip gloss.

I wanted so badly to put on some make-up. I wanted to look absolutely perfect so Rania wouldn't have anything to use against me this night. So nobody would have any reason to make me feel low at the party. But I guess just lip gloss and mascara would have to do.

Mom picked out a backless black dress. The go to outfit for a party. Super cliché but so totally worth it. I went back to my room, strapping on my heels when my phone buzzed.

Culleni'm here. you ready?

I looked out my window and saw his black Mercedes, the moon bathing it with it's dim light. I put my phone in my purse and skipped down the stairs, feeling pretty.

As expected, I tripped but hastily got up to adjust my hair and inspect my skin for bruises or cuts. I didn't have any.

Mom was in the living room, standing so close to the window, most likely confirming that her daughter truly has a friend that has come to pick her up for this party that she didn't notice me fall.

I walked past her and she called out to me as my hands wrapped around the door handle.

"Be safe honey, come home before midnight".

I nodded and gave her a tight lipped smile. It's odd seeing her act like this tonight, like she cares when just a few months back, she was too busy to remember my birthday.

I stepped out into the chilly night, the cool breeze rising goosebumps on my skin.

Cullen stepped out of his car and my mouth hung open. All he wore was a hoodie and jeans but I still came to the conclusion that he could wear a potato sack and still manage to look hot.

He smiled at me and said something but I couldn't register it because I was too busy checking him out.

"Bay?" He chuckled. "You gonna get in?"


I smiled sheepishly and got into the car. The leather seat was cold against my skin but I didn't mind. Cullen got in and immediately, his peppermint and spice scent filled the car. I could stay here all day.

He pulled out of my driveway and soon we were on the road. He reached forward the same time I did  to change the music playing.

The electricity that spiked me when our hands brushed brought heat to my cheeks.

I pulled away abruptly, not wanting to increase the awkwardness. At least I tried. Cullen let out a soft chuckle and put on some suave country music.

Minutes passed and Cullen spoke up, shooting me a quick glance before focusing on the road.

"You look nice".

A small smile was playing on his lips as he waited for my response.

Cullen said I look nice. Cullen said I look nice. Cullen freaking Parks said I look nice. Someone pinch me already!

It took me a few seconds to process Cullen's compliment.

"Thanks", I said looking at my hands on my laps, avoiding his gaze. "You don't look so bad yourself".

He beamed.

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