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Warm hands brushed my face, traced my forehead and swiped away a few strands of my hair.

My eyes flutter open and I regret the action when the bright light cuts straight through my eyes, creating a dull ache in my head.

I wince.

My ears begin to ring and I feel a pressure in my head I have never felt before. First thing that comes to my mind is to rub my temples but as I try to move my hands, a pang of pain surges through my body.

Everything hurts.

"Bayla?" Marion's voice. The bed moves as Marion gets up. I hear shuffling of feet before I hear her chime, "She's awake".

I try to open my drooping eyelids and then I see them. It's my family, Eleanor and Marion. The expressions they wear on their faces worries me and it is at that moment I realize that I'm in a hospital.

Why am I in a hospital?

The doctor comes in my line of sight and once I spot his sleek blonde hair, I attempt to smile but grimace as I feel my dry lips crack.

Doctor Charles ushers everyone out but not before Marion says, "We'll be back, Bay".

He leans over me, holding a penlight. I try to sit up but wince at the action. His lips curve into a smile as he toys with the penlight in his grasp. "We meet again. How're you feeling, Bayla?"

"What happened?" I croak out.

Doctor Charles shines the light in my eyes and I feel like my head wants to explode. He stands straighter and pouts his lips, scanning his eyes over my face.

His eyes lock with mine and he gives me a little smile. "Well, you had an accident and wound up having a horrible concussion".

My eyes snap open wider than saucers. I can barely get the words out as my tired brain tries to process it all. "A-Accident? C-Concussion?"

He nods. "But dont worry. You'll be okay. All you need to do is get lots of rest, stay hydrated and reduce screen time".

His words float around my ears but never actually settle in. My mind tries to go back in time, see what led to the accident but all I can get is a blur. I don't remember anything.

"The concussion", I start. "Is that why I cant recall what happened before the accident?"

"Yes", he replies. "But like I said before: dont worry. I assessed you and confirmed you have no serious brain damage. Your memories will come back but with time. In fact, you will be discharged tomorrow morning although you will still be subjected to bed rest while at home".

"How long do you think this concussion will last?"

"Two weeks at most".

I nod slowly. "Thanks".

Doctor Charles slips out after tossing me a warm smile. I bet he's off to update my parents on my current condition.

I sink further into my bed and my mind darts to different things. I still cant recall dick about what happened but somehow my head's wrapped around Cullen.

Tiredness washes over me suddenly and I shut my eyes, letting it pull me in.


I'm piecing in my memories together when I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Hey". It's Aaron and just the sight of him breaks me down.

Aaron quickly nabs at my tears with his thumb. He smiles softly at me. "Hey, dont cry. What's wrong?"

Life Of BaylaWhere stories live. Discover now