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» nineteen

Knock, knock.

Her footsteps approach the door, and I wait anxiously at it. Eyes bloodshot, and my throbbing body, I need to talk to someone with a wise voice and very blonde hair...

Instead I get a very handsome guy with dirty blonde hair.

"Is Gracie -- um, h-home?" I stutter. Jimmy doesn't say anything but he stares at me. He gets out of door's way and offers me inside, smiling softly. "She's not here, but you can talk to me."

"Talk to you? I don't know you." I say rudely and that's something I didn't intend to do but I'm really desperate to talk about what happened in Rowan's house and all I think Jimmy is going to do is judge me. He looks like he has is life together, and well I had mine together -- until now.

"You way not know me, but by the looks of it, Gracie might of given you bad advice. Trust me, talk to me. I'm way more experienced at life than Gracie, and smarter." He says. By the looks of it...

It's not Gracie's advice that fucked me up, it was my own conscious that fucked me up. Yet, no matter how much in mess I get myself into -- I won't stop getting myself into it. In some twisted way, I enjoy having problems because I've never had them.

I walk inside the Trands house, and plaster myself onto their couch. Not only do I put my hands in my head and whimper, when I felt Jimmy's body heat beside me, I quickly hug him. And I cry harder when he hugs me back.

He strokes my hair, and in my ear he says small compliments to calm me down, "Don't cry beautiful, please don't. You are too gorgeous to cry."

I roll my eyes. "Anybody can cry if they want to."

He pulls me out of his arms and looks at me. No words are being spoken, causing me to feel very uncomfortable. Both of his hands are placed on my cheeks, and his long thumb slides across my bottom lip.

As if we read each other's mind, I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. What I thought was magic for a short time -- ended with a shove.

"I can't do this..." He murmurs.

My mouth drops, "what do you mean? Did I -- ?"

He lets out an uneasy laugh, rubbing his neck. "No, no its not you it's that... I have a girlfriend."

I ignore the fact that he said he had a girlfriend and I glide my hand up his upper thigh, "I don't mind."

He grabs my wrist and yanks it off of him, "Did you really just say that? What the fuck?" I shoot myself off of his couch and stand my ground, clenching my fists. "Well you kinda threw yourself at me, so what am I supposed to do?"

His eyes bulge out of his skull, "React like any other girl and leave?! Probably? I'm sorry this even happened, it was all a mistake. But this - that comment was completely unexpected and I can't do this with you."

"Do you know how idiotic that sounded? You know what? Fuck you." I stomp out of the Trands house without looking back. I slammed the door shut and walked and walked until I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

It's night, and I have received about ten texts from Gracie, my mom, and Beckett each. None I have responded to, except my mom because she might make the police send out an amber alert.

I stop at this alley, where its empty and I lay on the wall slide down it to rest my feet.

Closing my eyes, I exhale and think about Rowen and I. My thoughts are cut short when a tall guy hovers over me.

"You lost, dolley?" He asks.

"I wish." I reply.

"I think I can help you with that..."



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