twenty two

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» twenty two

"Can I crash here?"

I'm standing at Rowan's front door, and Gracie stands behind him. Usually I'd feel awkward and walk away but right now I'm in desperate need of sleep and more alcohol to help me sleep...

"You look like utter shit." Gracie says before moving back with Rowen to let me in.

"You okay Mel?" Rowen asks, placing his warm hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off and shake my head, "I need sleep. Please."

Rowen doesn't hesitate to grab a blanket from his couch, one he was most likely sharing with Gracie with since I had interrupted their 'buddie hangout' night bullshit thing. He puts it around me, and takes me upstairs which Gracie follows right behind.

Gracie purses her lips, and feeling useless at the moment as Rowan comforts me, she says "Mel I haven't seen you around lately, my brother says you stopped by and -"

"Gracie, could you go downstairs I'll be there in a second..." Rowan says sternly after he examines my arm and neck. My heart literally pounds out of my chest when he stopped caressing my head and he stared dead at me.

She steps back, with a sad smile. "Okay...I'll just call Will then."

"Tell him I said hey." Rowan mutters.

Who is Will? I think. As soon as Gracie closes the door, Rowen grips my wrist and yanks me upward with all his strength and nearly pulls my arm off my body. I yelp and scream as the pain travels all over my body. My face ends up on the ground, and Rowen doesn't care. He soon again grabs me from my hair and yanks me upward, my body against his...

"Who have you been fucking around with behind my back?" He hisses sharply in my ear. I can just hear the vemon in his voice, and the way he's grabbing the hair on my head is equivalent to the pain of sharp knives stabbing me on my back.

"I said...who have you been fucking behind my -"

He grips tighter and I scream, and he knees my back hard. "I haven't fucked anybody!" I hiss out of pain.

"Oh yeah? Where else would you have gotten this hickey?" He smacks my neck on the hickey I don't recall getting... "You've also been acting like a fucking crack skank, heroin? Didn't know you did hardcore stuff, bitch."

"Rowan would you relax?!" I beg him. His hand goes for my neck and he turns me around, slamming my body against the wall. A few posters of his rip apart, and some pictures fall on the ground. Is anybody hearing this?! "Melanie, sweet fucking Melanie...I don't enjoy sharing my girls."

Rowen's grip on my neck tightens. "You want a place to stay?"

I see a small stain of white smudged on his nostril.

"Do you?" It tightens more and I yelp loudly. "Y-Yes." I choke out. He smirks, "You can stay, but when you're with me you don't whore around. What will the others say? I don't need that. If you so happen disobey me, I will publish that video of us fucking hard all over the internet the whole world will be able to draw your pussy with their eyes closed."

"Understand...Melanie?" He says my name with the fakest smile he can plaster. Its sicking, I don't want this. I don't need this. But this is what I bargained for...

And I guess I have to deal with it for now.


He looses the grip on my head and let's me go, I fall on the bed and sit down trying to catch my breath.

"No. No. You don't sit down when you're with me. You get on your knees."

My eyes bulge open. "What?" I gasp.

His smirk disappears and soon his hand smacks my face. "Get on your knees!" He hollers.

And get on my knees I do...


I'm sad

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