» ten
I sit at my desk in fifth period, my eyes boring into the long hair of a girl in front of me. Why can't I have her hair? The pretty haired girl turned her head to respond to her friend and I saw how beautiful she was. Why can't I be pretty like her?
The bell rings and I walk through the crowded halls, with screaming teenagers and the bitchy groupies. I made it smoothly to my locker, until someone taps my shoulder.
I turn around to find the most unexpected person to face me.
Gracie Trands was in front of me, and she was looking more gorgeous than ever. Why does she want to talk to me? "Um, hello?" I say softer than I wanted. She half smiles, flicking her golden blonde hair behind her back. "You're Rowan's tutor, right?"
I raise an eyebrow, "Yes..."
Her half smile transforms into a bright warm genuine smile that was actually contagious, and I sigh of relief. "Great, a friend of Rowan is a friend of mine. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school with my friends and I?"
My heart skips a beat, and I almost drop my books. "Y-Yeah, totally, yes." I stutter, making Gracie chuckle at my nervousness. I glance over at the clock and notice that we're both late to class, Gracie turns over to where I'm staring at and rolls her eyes.
She grabs my books, throwing them in my open locker not caring whether I lose my notes, slamming it shut, and dragging me to wherever she's heading. I pull myself back slightly, her grip was causing me lose circulation. Then again, I'm trying to get rid of her death hold on my wrist.
"Relax, we're already late to class so let's go to my favorite spot in the school." She says, I uneasily laugh. "Okay, but could you let go of me?"
She lets go. We walk silently to the back doors of the school, and head towards an alley close by. Skipping class, what a rush! I want to laugh and scream on the top of my lungs to express my excitement that Gracie Trands wants to be my friend. She even labeled me as Rowan's friend. Now that made me want to melt on the spot.
Inside the alley, it's super dark with little specks of light shinning through the gaps and holes of the rusty ceiling and thick of smoke. Obviously this is a smoker's area, and a girl like Gracie, you wouldn't assume she hangs out here. She greets everybody in the alley, and I stand behind her keeping my head down but also taking every detail of the place.
We finally head to the very back of the alley, and there's stairs to an underground place. How come I've never seen this place, and I walk home...
I take a few classes with Gracie, and when I do she's never in class. I always assumed she got checked out or was sick but never did I think that she actually spend most of her time in an beat down mysterious dark alley with smokers and an underground place.
We walk down the steps, carefully since there's only one light in the whole long hallway down here. I follow closely behind Gracie, and watch as she knocks on this door and has a short conversation with some pale girl.
The door opens revealing a topless girl with underwear on, and I turn my head so fast I think I popped my neck. Gracie and topless girl laugh at my reaction. "Come on, chocolate, we all have them."
I turn my head slowly back, keeping my eyes on her face and not on her girls. "Chocolate?" Racist much?
Gracie walks over to me and leads me into the underground apartment room, saying something to topless girl as we past her, I barely heard what she said because the rock music was so loud I think I went deaf.
We're in the apartment, and I rub my arms feeling the goosebumps spreading all over them. Gracie leaves my side for a second, and comes back with two cold beers, handing me one. I've drank beer before, I remember I was fourteen and Mia and I were being dumb. It ended with us in the hospital for alcohol poisoning, it turns out it was three months expired.
I open the beer, and feel the foul tasting liquid ooze down my throat. I try not to think about it, and drink until I'm full. I need to impress Gracie. Once I finish drinking all that I could, my vision blurs drastically and all I could see was Gracie's impressed look.
"We are going to get along just swell." Is all I remember what she said before the rest of that time was me acting like a complete fool, making mistakes, and having most fun I have ever had than with Mia or Beckett.

Romancewhen a shy girl's true colors come out after getting involved with a troublesome boy