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» eight

I walk into the music room and hear Beckett's professional fingers sway across the piano.

Ironic, I'm in love with his piano skills but not the boy who has them.

I walk over to the piano and lean on it, watching his magic fingers doing the work. It looks beautiful how he's so into it, and a wave of guilt suddenly washes over me as I realized that I just cheated on the boy with the magic fingers.

He is such a good guy, and I only say this when I'm around him never when I'm not with him, actually, he's never on my mind, come to think of it.

He stops his beautiful masterpiece, and I unconsciously clap for him. He gets up from his bench, fixes his shirt, and hugs me. It takes me a few seconds before I actually decide to hug him back. Mia notices this and snorts, very loudly.

"That was beautiful." I say.

Beckett's smile puts a smile on my face. Like I've said before, his positivity and just him in general makes everybody's mood. I don't want to be the one who ruins that, but then again, I put myself in this position.

"So guess what?" He brings up, and Mia walks up beside him, putting her hand on his shoulder. I look at her hand and find myself glaring at it. What the hell is wrong with me?

"We all got invited to Rowan Fields' party. And listen to this, our first party!" Beckett does this cute little dance, and we laugh at it, but as soon as Mia and I look at each other we stop.

She's trying so hard to make me feel guilty, and I can't say it's working since I feel nothing.

But as soon as I back step and realize what Beckett just said, I internally scream. Rowan invited us to a party, if you would've told me that a few weeks ago I would've laughed in your face and cried of excitement.

But now, I'm showing those emotions inside and outside I'm only displaying emotions of,

"Oh shit, really?" I say, in mock excitement. Beckett nods with a smile plastered on his face, and Mia grimly smiles.

Well I'm fucked.


its about to go down in a few weeks bc im tired lol 👉👌

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