» eleven
My eyes open slowly and my head hurts. I find myself laying on an unfamiliar couch with random people surrounding me. I scan the place searching for Gracie, but no sign.
Touching my pockets, I fish for my phone and I gasp at all the messages and missed calls I have from Beckett, Mia, and my parents. I gaze at the time on my phone, I silently scream. I came here at 12:45 pm, and now it's 10:24 pm. I run up from the couch, ignoring all the weird stares, and head to the bathroom.
Dramatically bursting open the door, I land myself in front of the mirror and scream, now out loud, at my appearance.
My hair is sticking out in many places, my clean neat white blouse is smudged with red lipstick and light stains of yellow - possibly beer, and my neck has train stops of hickeys. I'm freaking out, and I don't know how I'll be able to hide this.
The bathroom door opens and I spin around, relaxing once I see it's only Gracie. "Hey, tiger. Had fun?"
I laugh, scratching my head I respond to her question, "Yeah. Yeah, um, I wanted to ask you something." I say. Gracie closes the bathroom door behind her, and sits on the toilet, taking a cigarette out of her purse along with a lighter. She looks at me, eyebrows lifted, holding out the cigarette, "You want one?" She offers. I bite my lip, I don't want to look like a prude...
So I take it.
I put it in between my teeth, lean close to Gracie, and watch as she lights my cigarette. Suprisingly, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I inhale the smoke, filling my lungs with the deadly air, and puffing it out through my rounded lips. I watch Gracie smirk, and I smile at her as I put the cigarette in between my fingers and continue on with my question.
"Do you and Rowan come here often?" I ask, Gracie inhales her cigarette smoke and exhales with ease. She shrugs nonchalantly, "Very often."
I walk over to the wall and slide down on it, my butt landing hard on the cold floor. I wince, and Gracie snorts. "Are - Are you and Rowan dating?" I ask. It hurts asking that especially when I feel the answer is yes. Gracie again shrugs, "No chocolate, we just occasionally fuck no biggie."
My stomach drops a little bit, but I nod slowly trying to get the disturbing images of Rowan and Gracie 'occasionally fucking' out of my head.
Gracie notices this, "You like him don't you?"
I don't want to lie to her, Gracie is a super nice likable girl, just like Beckett. I feel like I can trust her no matter what. "Kind of, yes, a lot. I pathetically want him."
Gracie smirks, "His party is in full swing right now, I was waiting for you to wake up so we could head to it. Want some advice to get him?"
I eagerly nod. Now that I think about it, I'm gonna need someone to distract Mia and Beckett so I won't get caught. Breaking one promise won't kill me.
"Get him a little drunk."
HAHA YES FUN PART IS COMING lol true story ive been reading a lot of 5sos fanfictions and 5sos came to haunt me on tv is this a sign

Romancewhen a shy girl's true colors come out after getting involved with a troublesome boy