twenty one

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» twenty one

"Where have you been, young lady!?" My mother scolds me as I enter my house, head pounding with capped lips covered in a stench of bad decisions and vodka...

I avoid her glare, and pass right by her. She crunches up her face and groans, "Melanie what is that smell, get back here!" My mother continues to scream.

My head pounds more, and more. Her screaming gets louder, and louder. My blood boils and rises, I do the unthinkable...

There is a glass vase with dead flowers in my room, I yank the door open and throw the vase at my mom and the glass breaks on her. My mom cuts her legs, arms, and stains her favourite blouse with blood.

I somehow don't feel any remorse for doing that, I just stand her unmoving with a scowl on my face.

My mom falls on her ass, screaming in agony, she looks up and my dad walks in right on time out of the bathroom. "What the fuck happened!? Melanie, what's wrong with you?!"

He shakes me a bit, but I don't react. I just stand there, glaring at my mom. I even think a little smirk came upon my lips looking at her on that position.

My mom begins crying in pain, and shock that her own daughter did that to her. "Melanie, get out of my house." She weeps.

My dad's eyes open wide, he points at my mom. "You fucking did this? You come into our house, disrespect us, and do this?" He grabs my arm, hard, and drags me to the closet. "Get your clothes, and get out of our house."

I chuckle, "So its not my house anymore? Awesome." I say as I grab random shirts from the hangers. My hand steps back, holding his nose. "You're drunk. And high?"

I ignore him.

All of my stuff is finally in my bookbag, and I march out of their house. At the door, I see as my dad helps my mom up. Rolling my eyes, they watch as their only daughter leaves their house. "What happened to you? Where's that little girl who loved doing homework and loved hanging out with Mia?"

Right before I slammed the door, I smile and say:

"I guess she's just lost, I'll look for her for you."


Sorry but wow this is going bad for her hahA

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