» twenty
The feeling all over my body had disappeared.
The old Melanie had disappeared.
And was never coming back,
Neither was my innocence.
I don't regret doing the things I did,
Craving to the person I am right now is what I wanted.
I'm happy.
I'm happy being touched, gripped, caressed by random guys. I feel wanted, a feeling that is very unfamiliar to me.
I usually get ignored. It's impossible to get acknowledged by everybody around me. I'm simple, basic. With a bundle of fishes in the sea, when fished, I'm the one they throw back into the sea and not keep. Then again, no fish wants to be kept - horrible analogy.
But now, but now...
They want me.
All I had to was be willing...
And experienced...
They want me.
I'm lost.
But I'm fine right where I am.
An annoying vibration keeps happening at my hip, I ignore it. Don't you see I want to be here, where I'm wanted, I get my happy little pill, and I escape.
An escape.
I look at the moving ceiling, I feel his tongue going from my neck, my chest, my stomach...
I'm no longer Melanie.
Who the fuck is Melanie?
Yeah that didn't go as planned wtf

Romancewhen a shy girl's true colors come out after getting involved with a troublesome boy