» thirty two (final)
It was Melanie's funeral and Mia wasn't sad nor emotional at all. She had no emotion seeing Melanie, her old friend, laying in her coffin. She knew it was bound to happen, she was prepared for this. She did what she could, it was up to her from there.
She was in the first row of people, so she could see up close Melanie's corpse. It disgusted her. She didn't want to be here, but she really respected and loved her mom. She was here for her mother and father, nobody else.
Beckett didn't know how he felt. He wasn't sure whether he was sad, mad, or just plain glad she was gone for good. Not that he wanted her dead, but seeing her waste her life like that she might as well should've been dead. Look at her, bet she's happy wherever the hell she is. Beckett thought.
Beckett and Mia say goodbye to the few people at Melanie's funeral. Especially giving her parents the best of luck. Her parents didn't deserve what happened to them, Mia thought. Melanie was just a selfish brat. I pity her, well pitied.
Rowan didn't show up at all. The only thing he would see would be metal bars. Rowan got arrested as soon as the police found the drugs. In his room, bathroom, living room, everywhere. His parents were devastated, they managed to show up to the funeral since they felt guilty.
Unexpectedly, Gracie Trands shows up to the funeral. Trent, Rowan's dad catches Gracie walk up to the mic and grabs it before Trent can stop her. "Let go of me, old man."
He does.
"Hi everybody, my name is Gracie and some of you may know me." She begins. Everybody gets confused but listens.
"I can relate to Melanie in some way, everybody thinks I'm so nice and sweet but just recently I decided to change that. Change is good right?
I did a lot of things this past month, that I'm not proud of. But its whatever, I'll survive. Sadly, my buddy Mel didn't.
I went to her house -"
As soon as Gracie said that, Melanie's parents rose from their seats and stared at Gracie, anger flooding their mind.
"I wanted to share something she wrote. It...surprised me. I thought you all should know."
Gracie takes a blue light book from her purse that read Diary. She opens it, and fakes delightment from it. Looking up, she catches a glance of Mia and yells her name from the mic. "Mia darling! Come here! I want you to hear something. Beckett too!"
Gracie clears her throat, and Melanie's mom runs from her seat and up the stage to stop Gracie but she starts spilling all of Melanie's thoughts before she fucked up her life.
"I usually get ignored. It's impossible to get acknowledged by everybody around me. I'm simple, basic. With a bundle of fishes in the sea, when fished, I'm the one they throw back into the sea and not keep. Then again, no fish wants to be kept - horrible analogy.
There's not much to be said about me. I get more along with girls than boys, most girls would rather have that than vise versa. Boys are this, boys are that. Boys hurt you, you can't be friends with boys, boys are disgusting, no boys!
So why is it that I want the attention of those disgusting, heart breaking boys? I crave that attention of being wanted by them. Even if I risk friendships, and my reputation, does it matter when I can have love?
I mean that's all I want. That's what we all want. I didn't mean for it go that far. I didn't mean to hurt people, I didn't mean to cause harm, all I wanted was love.
I have a friend, she always had my back. Even when I fucked up on many occasions, she was always there.
And then I go out and take the most important person from her life, all because I felt lonely one night.
All I thought about were my needs, and my pleasure but never once about her.
Never once about anybody.
I like the attention of these disgusting, heartbreaking boys. They make me feel wanted - needed. I changed my unwanted image and now I'm getting what I wanted. Even if I lose a few friends, it's worth it. I'm happy.
I think?"
Gracie finishes speaking and stares at Mia. Mia stares back, and slowly drags her eyes to Beckett. "Lonely one night?" Beckett stutters, "she's dead now might as well and say it. You slept with her didn't you." Beckett nods, not hiding it.
It was during the time Beckett was trying to Melanie back into his life, thinking they still had a chance. They had sex, but Melanie only told him it was fun and she had to go get back to Gracie. He hid it from Mia all this time.
Mia turned back to Gracie and Gracie looked at everybody in the room, ignoring Mia's burning stare. "You all should know, Mel here tried to sleep with my brother too. What a slut. She deserved to die, nothing but a desperate wannabe. A druggie."
Melanie's mother dropped to her knees crying, as Melanie's father tried to calm her. Everybody in the room glared at Gracie as she walked out but she paid no mind. This is what she wanted, she wanted them to know the side of Melanie she knew.
Mia grabbed her arm, tight. "You are a real cadela. You know that."
Gracie snorted, "and what's that Jungle freak?"
"A fucking bitch, dirty white dog." Mia snatched Gracie's arm back. She was even more disgusted than ever, she couldn't believe Melanie wanted the attention of this monster she was in front of.
"You're dead friend shouldn't have gotten involved with Rowan. You should've warned him not to get involved with us."
"I did." She said through gritted teeth.
"Didn't try hard enough."
Gracie walks out of the funeral home, and grabs her phone. Dialing a friend of hers, she waits for them to answer.
"Hey, Cynthia. I need another package of that drug you gave me last time." She says. Cynthia answers, "Oh Gracie, whose life are you planning to fuck up now?" She laughs.
Not long after Cynthia asks that, Mia and Beckett catch her eyes as they walk out the building arguing, "Nobody special. Can you get it to me by Saturday?"
"I got you, I'll call you when the package is done. What name you want it by this time?"
She gazes at Beckett. Innocent, talented, young Beckett. She remembers the Portuguese insult Mia called her, "Cynthia, put it under Cadela. Just that. Nothing else."
"Okay Cadela."

Romancewhen a shy girl's true colors come out after getting involved with a troublesome boy