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» thirty

"What? You thought you could run away from me?!" He screams into my face, I could smell the liquor on his breath.

Without thinking, I run past him and into the bathroom shutting the door behind me hoping he wouldn't break it down. I had my phone on me, and quickly dialed 911.

"911 yes what's your emergency?"

"If you guys don't get your fucking ass over here I'm gonna die send someone does it matter??? Just help me!"

"Calm down ma'am, what's your address?"

"I don't know! Its um! 109 Hoover Street? Just trace this fucking phone call and come here already!"

By the time I say my last sentence, the door barges open and I get blown off the door and onto the counter. Rowan quickly grabs the back of my hair and slams my head on the sink, then rams my face into the mirror -- breaking it. I can barely stand on two feet when he shoves his fist into my face and I fall into the tub and I stay there. If I move he'll hurt me even more.

He squats and looks straight into my bloodied eye, "See this?" Not really I'm blind fucker. "Its mine now."

Either it was my phone or my self worth...probably both.

I may be a blind fucker, but my hearing still works very fine. Rowan and I both turn to the noise downstairs who sounds like two adults chatting it up.

"Shit its my parents." He runs downstairs, slamming the door behind him. As soon as I hear him out of his room, I drag my ass out of the tub, slowly but I'm managing, out of the bathroom and into the hallway where I can hear what they're discussing.

By the time I get there, I'm in the middle of them screaming at each other. His mother is crying, and his dad is yelling at Rowan.

"Rowan, you know what happened last time you did this shit!" His dad says, "you nearly killed that sweet Kelly girl because of this drug!"

"Dad you don't fucking trust me or something? I can handle a little -" His dad smacks his son with the backside of this hand. "Trent!" His mom yelps out.

"You can handle shit! Who the fuck gave you this shit?!"

"Sigh, the usual person..."

My eyes widen when I find that who that person is.

Rowan chuckles, scratching his nose. "Gracie."


I have a plot twist coming up i just hope it works out

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