» thirteen
Gracie stares between Jimmy and I, as we connect with a click. "Okay, Jimmy, we'll catch up later. I'm going to show little Virgin Mary here how to hook up with her crush."
I shyly get out of Jimmy's way so he'd stop looking at me, as Gracie briefly hugs her brother. "Grace, you never told me who your friend's name is."
Just as Gracie was going to open her mouth, I interrupt her by taking a loud step forward. "I'm Melanie."
He stands there with a poker face and I instantly regret saying anything. "Cute." Is all he says. Should I take that as an insult or compliment?
Gracie stands impatiently in front of her brother, a playful smile on her face. "Could you leave, I need to get the virgin ready!" She keeps calling me virgin, and as much as I want to say something I hold it in. I have nothing witty to say.
Jimmy holds his hands up in defense, smiling widely as he irritates his sister. Looking at their brother and sister bonding I secretly wish I had a sister or brother, one that could give me advice, and someone I could look up to. Previously by the bathroom door, I scooted to bedroom door so I'm in either of the Trand's siblings way.
As Jimmy walks outside the bedroom, he stops in his tracks, and before I know it, his cool touch is on face removing my thick coarse hair out of my eye's way. "There." Jimmy says, barely above a whisper. He walks away, and I let out the breath I was holding. I should really stop doing that before I faint suffocating myself.
With only Gracie and I alone in her bedroom, I finally speak with out feeling awkward about it, "Can we just hurry up for this party? Please?"
She pouts, "Okay." Gracie doesn't hesitate to start on my hair.
In a quick thirty minutes, we've finished not only my hair, but hers, our makeup, and fixed our outfits and are ready to go. We grab our purses, and rush out the door before Jimmy stops us, and continues making me feel breathless and causes me a heart attack.
Unfortunately, Jimmy was in the living room and close by the door. He turns around sitting on the couch and props himself on his knees, leaning right on top of the furniture. "Why in such a hurry?" He asks, with a sly smile.
"Jimmy, I know my friend is hot but could you quit trying to slow us down? We have a party to go to?" Gracie sasses.
Jimmy shrugs and sits right down on the couch, continuing watching his show, "I can't help it that's she's cute. Go ahead and party I'll be up to open the door."
"Thank you, let's go Mel." Gracie grabs my wrist and drags me out the door, I almost lose a heel. I catch Jimmy's glance at me right before I slam the door shut.
In a blur, I'm in Gracie's car, driving to Rowan's house, and finally on his porch opening the door to enter his party in full swing.
Not even three seconds in, Gracie grabs two tequila shots and passes me one and one for her. I don't know where Gracie went, and I don't know where I am because soon I'm drowning myself in the music, atmosphere, and alcohol; I'm getting so intoxicated with everything, I lose myself in the pool of bodies. I only drank three shots...
In that blur, Mia and Beckett are the focused ones. The ones who fill my thoughts with remorse and regret, I find my stomach churning and tensing, I felt myself turning into all those insults I've heard in the past...bitch, indecisive, cunt, worthless, ugly, skin and bones...
I'm standing in the middle of the dance floor, where the smell of sweat and bad decisions fill my nostrils, I push myself out of there and I hear my name echoing in my head from different voices I cannot recognize. As I run, or more like stumble, through the hallway and lose myself in Rowan's big house, my blurred vision never enhances, I land in the room of a boy and see a bright light shining under the crack of a door.
I drag my heels over to it, mumbling slurred random things under my breath unconsciously, as I open the door exposing my sensitive eyes to the fluorescent light.
I begin to scratch my wrists, feeling small sharp teeth biting away at my skin, a loud echoing manly voice screams in my face...I cover my ears and scream for it to stop, stop, stop...
The itching gets worse, the voices get louder, the pressure in my stomach increases, the heat in the room turns hotter, I don't know what is happening?
Hands touch all over my shoulders, when in reality it's only one person touching my shoulders, and I know this, but my mind is tricking me and making me feel it's a thousand hands gripping me.
Time stops, and everything in my body feels numb. I swear in a brief moment, my heart stopped, my blood stopped pumping, and my body turned ice cold. In a rapid movement, heat radiates from my toes, to my legs, to my small knees, through my thighs, butterflies fill my stomach, my chest heaves, my throat tightens, and I let it all out...
"Fuck! What the hell? Melanie?!"
i used the experience i had when i had too many sleeping pills no what you think but to ligit go to sleep i couldnt so yeah but as u can tell i got so lazy and i didnt proof read do u guys like ?????? ihonestly did tbh so i hope u did 🚬💊😴😷 this is more of a filler bc the actual drama happens when melanie is sober and everything gets explained to what happened and yeah ilyguys

Romancewhen a shy girl's true colors come out after getting involved with a troublesome boy