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» seven

This is the moment I was waiting for my entire life.

Well not my entire life but you get the point; my legs start to feel like jelly and I want to fall into his arms and pretend that it's just us two in this world. Rowan finally is in my face and he leans to the side and grabs my binder.

He throws it to the ground. I furrow my eyebrows and look up to his face. He doesn't look angry, nor does he look, you know...turned on. He looks calm and his lips keep twitching, as if he wants to smile but he doesn't.

Unexpectingly, Rowan grips my hips and hops me on top of the desk. His hands are all over my hips, and every fiber of my body is on overdrive right now. Rowan's lips travel from my jawline to my neck, leaving my breathless every second.

Just like Rowan's, I hear heavy footsteps coming to this classroom. He's so into this that he doesn't realize that someone is heading to this classroom but I do. I shove him off me, both of us still heated from our hook up. I try to make myself seem presentable enough so whoever comes into the room won't assume anything.

Surprising enough, it's Mia who comes in. Her eyes bulge open when she sees Rowan, and he looks like a hot swollen mess. I exhale and close my eyes. "I'll explain that homework tomorrow, okay Rowan?"

He continues to stare at Mia, "Y-yeah. Okay." He runs his hand through his hair and purposely brushes his body against mine as he exits the small space in between the desks. I inhale a sharp intake of air. He briefly looks back once he's out of Mia's sight and winks.

"What the hell, Melanie?" Mia blurts out, angrily. I roll my eyes at her, "Nothing happened, now why were you looking for me?"

Mia holds in what she was going to say, but it's not like I was going to listen and comprehend to her words anyway. I'm not going to let Mia's words haunt me no longer.

"I was looking for you because Beckett told me to get you so you could see his new piece, but I guess since your so cooped up with Rowan I'll just tell him -"

My heart stops, Beckett...shit how could I forget about him - whoa. Why am I acting like I care now? It's not like I ever cared in the first place, really. It's a waste of breathe to be sorry for something you don't feel sorry for.

"No! I mean no. It's fine, I'll go see it." I say. I walk away from the desk, grabbing my binder from the ground, and shoving softly past Mia.

I hear her mutter a small bitch under her breath. I hear her footsteps right behind me, and I say before we head to the music room,

"We were only studying, Mia. I don't understand why your overreacting, like you always do."


oh how a dumb girl gets influenced by a guy so easily sigh what a dream 🙏

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