
824 44 126

Word Count: 1374 words


•'Kokichi's Point Of View´•

Everything was too fast.
First the loud shot
then the police
then nagito being arrested.

What the heck is happening?

I slowly walked over one of the policemans over there "Hey! excuse me what are you guys doing?!" The policeman looked at me from up and down, and then smiled "Don't worry, you're safe from the pedophile now."



"B-BUT HE'S NOT A PEDOPHILE!" I tried to go over his defense "H-He is my cousin, I live with him! He's like my second father! He didn't do nothing wrong!"

"I'm sorry but now no questions and buts. You're coming with us. Some of my comrades are preparing some stuff for you. We'll took you back in your sweet home!" He smiled as he placed his cold hand on my shoulder "Your dad was so worried about you! He was crying and praying for us to save you! Thankfully we did now, I hope you're happy to see your father again!"

At those words, I didn't know if to laugh at the bad joke, or cry from anxiety increasion.

I could here in the distance Nagito calling my name "Kokichi! Kokichi run! Go over the theatre! Make a run for it!" "SHUT UP!" One of the policeman pushed him violently over the police car. "Nagito!!!" I called his name and rushed over the door. But it was to late. The police car was already out of sight.

"no way...." I mumbled silently watching the street were the car went. No way....No way...NO WAY. NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY
NO WAY....


My mind was completely going crazy and a bunch of people was surronding my house worried. I could hear some of them talking. "What happened?"

"They said that Mr.Komaeda is a pedophile."

"what?? How can he be? he's such a sweetheart and is always ready to help everyone!"

"yeah, that's how we see him. But you see that guy over there?" One of the people said pointing slightly at me. "That's Sougomi's son. The ultimate supreme leader! Komaeda treated mr.Sougomi saying that he would do bad sexual things to his son if ge would not give him 1.4 billion dollars. He even stated that Komaeda completely washed his son's brain."

"oh dear that's so sad...."

"yeah...thankfully now His son can see the light again!" light heh....help I might go insane...

stop this nightmare...tell me it's just a dream, that I just overslept and that now I'm just late for the pre-finals. Please...

but that wasn't what happened. After a bunch of minutes of staying on the ground, ceying for my cousin's fate, a police officertook me abruptly by the hand and pulled me over a car.
My face was pale, I didn't dare to speak because I would just throw words at nonsense. The police officer sat over the driver seat and just smiled at me "Don't worry I'll take you home."

And that's when surronded by all my anxiety, sadness, and madness. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Or more precisely. Just become unconscious.

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now