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ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 1177


"GAHAHHAHAHA! Did you saw her face towards Reina?? She sure has an oblivious dirty crush on her!"
Miu exclaimed hopping on the couch making my body jump up and down.
"Well not dirty, but yes I ship it!"

"Oh c'mon! Kumiko of course is dirty! Just look at her face!"
I looked at the TV, Kumiko was, in a certain way, praying about something??
"I can't see anything dirty here."
"Jeez! You really are too pure!"
"Well that's because I didn't ever felt love in my entire life!"
I said grinning and putting my hands behind my head.

"Impossible! You're 18! Guys like you at least one time should have fallen in love!"
Miu said, eyes widen.
"Well there are always new poasibilities! Nishishi~!"
"No. I think you just didn't recognise that feeling. Let me explain it to ya!"
She said putting her hands on my shoulders signaling that she wanted attention.
I sighed and stayed silent.
"Well my dear suckichi love is like a headache! You'll feel dizzy or numb and will sweat like hell! Well that's my case. But love is even when you start stuttering, sweating a little, body shaking and heart beating faster and more faster."
She explained like she was a teacher.
"Nah never felt that wa-"
I blocked myself when I remembered the scene on the rooftop.

He then come near me.
"M-might if I sit he-here..?"
He said pointing at the bench.
"OH! Heh...No I don't mind!"
Why my checks are burning up like hell?!

"O-oh. Well y-your pr-pretty good at playing it."
He said making a small smile.
I said, trying not to make eye contact. My heart was beating up so fast, my checks were on fire, what's wrong?!!

Then he stayed quite, so did I. But it wasn't a normal silence because someone said a nonsense, it was a bit different, but I can't understand what kind of one.
"D-Do you want to p-play the guitar a-again..?"
He asked blushing.
"Sure, why not! What should I play?"
I answered.
"M-Maybe a me-melody from y-your favourite s-song..?"
I stutter. I wasn't prepared for this.

"Woah there Suckichi! Your face switched emotion in a second!"
Miu said curiously.

"Did you thought about something??"
She said her eyes shining.
"N-no...Just something that happened on the r-roof of the school-". "Ooohh~! You've fallen in love with the emo singer huh~?"
She said flirtatiously.
My cheecks started burning up again, and I couldn't hide them.
"Ha! GOTCHA!" She exclaimed clapping her hands.
I couldn't say nothing, I would stutter like a tsundere and I don't want that.

"Well you really have a good taste Kokichi! He's even gay, you're lucky!"
"H-how do you know that h-he's gay?!?"
I stutter at the idea that he was gay.
"Well he comes in my same class so I talked with him and he telled me that." she said pretty calm.
I was literally shaking, praying that something would stop this moment.
Then miu looked at me and grinned.
"Woah...I tought you were lying for a sec boi! But actually your reaction is really genuine!"
"S-So you were lying?!"
"Ah- no. He's really gay so good luck!"
"S-stop it, I don't like him."
"Oh sure Mr. Tsundere~! Also I should say he pretty likes misteries so maybe you can make a special mistery for him oh oooh~"
"S-shu-shut up....! S-Shut u-up..! SHUT UP!!"
"Oh gooooad! You're really going insane thinking about him! Oh oh I want to be in your mind right now! How kinky!"

I said trying to calm myself down.
"alright....sorry about it..."
She apologized taking the remote of the Tv shut it off.
"Don't worry...I'm used to it now."
I tried to change the subject of the conversation and looked at the clock.
"oh...It's 10pm."
Miu looked at the clock too and then stood up.
"Well Suckichi I'm gonna leave! Ya better ask Pooichi on a date tomorrow! Gotcha!"
She said running off making me more flustered.
"Why she has to be so Stupid?!"
I said out loud.
"Miao.?" It's the only response I got.
I looked at the couch to see Bessie with a concerned face, she jumped off and came near me purring.
"At least someone know how to make me feel comfortable right Lil' Bessie?"
I said kneeling down cuddling her head.
She smiled and continued purring.
"Well Nagito will come here soon want to make dinner with me?"
She just groaned signaling that she wanted to eat but with no helping.
"Fine...I'll go wear my pj and then I'll make dinner for ya!"
She runned towards her purple bowl looking at me saying some miaos here and there.

I went to my bedroom and change to a purple shirt with the words '𝕄𝕚𝕒𝕠 & ℙ𝕦𝕣𝕣 :3' and some white long-sleeved pants with a pinkish cat eye-mask on my head.
I then went to the kitchen and started making some omelette for me and my cousin and some cat cookies for Bessie. Her favourites!


"Hey Kokichi I'm home!"
A lazy and cheerful voice said.
I stood up from the kitchen chair and walked to the entrance.
"Nagito finally! I waited for you since hours! Our omelettes are almost frozen so change fast!"
"Why did you waited for lil' old me? You should eat right after you cook. Or you could feel dizzy!"
Nagito said trying to tell by my face if I was feeling dizzy.
Actually he was right I was feeling dizzy but it wasn't that big of a deal!
"Nah!  Don't worry! Im fine let's just eat and then go on sweeety sleep!"
He almost whispered going to hia room to change on his pj.
Then we ate our dinner and numbness was now vanished.
I looked at Nagito while eating.
All the time he would spoke to me asking how my day went.
but now...he was silent.
His face was pale and worried....no, his face was scared.

"Hmmm....do you mind if I ask you what's wrong?"
I stated making him jump.
"Oh! there's nothing wrong Kokichi don't worry! Im just so tired!"
He said trying to make a smal smile.
"That's a half lie. I can understand when someone's lying."
I said more concerned.
"Really I'm fine! Just a lil stress-"
"Please! If you continue to lie you'll just make me more worried!"
I said looking at him seriously.
He sighed.
"...." He didn't want to talk.
I could tell by a hundred miles away.
"Take your time I can stay here until midnight! Then I have to sleep or tomorrow I can't wake up."
He chuckled then returned serious.

"Promise me you won't be angry alright?"

"I would never be angry at you."

He took some deep breaths and then he spoke up.

"I will start work for your father."

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now