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I lead Fuyuhiko onto the economy class.
He thanked me, entering the class  running out of breath.
I giggled and left him there.
It were left another two hours before I should meet Miu.
better inform Mrs. Chisa.
I went in the school entrace and looked at the teachers's hours.
"Mrs. Chisa Yukizome....
Chisa Yukizome...Chisa Yuki-
Found it!"
I exclaimed looking at the sheet of paper.
I looked throught her hours.
Now she have class.
She's doing music lesson In class 79. Miu's class.
Well I know prefectly where the room is so...


I knocked two times at the door.
"Come in!"
A gentle loudly voice said. It was Chisa's.
I gently pulled the door open.
"Yahoo! Mrs.Chisa my teacher wants to talk to her!"
I lied, I have to talk to her, but If im saying that, everybody will get suspicious.
She realised what I really want and she smiled and walked over to me, closing the class door.
"So what do you need Kokichi? Is your guitar broken again? Well don't worry I can hel-"
"No, it's not that. I'm sorry but today we can't do the private lesson."
"Huh? Oh, why not?"
She said worried.
"It's that Iruma-san asked me to meet her at 5PM....I don't know why. But I don't want to decline."
Her expression changed from a totally worried one, to a calmly and sincere one.
"Don't worry! It's alright for me. But please just this time alright? Remember that your cousin is paying these lessons  for you. If it wasn't for Hope's Peak rules I would prefer to let them free but I can't, so don't forget that."
She said poking one of my checks.
"Yeah I know.....Don't worry it's only for this time!"
I said waving at her, reciving a small nod and a smile back.
Now it were 3:18PM.
I had some freetime before I should met with Miu.
Well I could exercise with my guitar on the roof.
Yeah that's sounds good.
I took my way to the music room of the school.
It wasn't too far away from where I was, but some people might see me on the way there so I must be cautious.
I tried to make the most silents moves, I was acting like a ninja.
I looked at every corner, hallway and male toilets of the school and finally I arrived at the room.
I slowly open the door and went in.

The room was very cold, dark and silent. Nobody cames here excpect me and some people with some music ultimate, so the room is really a mess.
I went in one of the corners, the most dark one, and then I kneeled on my knees to grab a long and black musical instrument holder and putted him on my back thanks to a black rope made of cloth.
It was really heavy, but I didn't really care about that, right now the important thing is to not make eye contact with anyone.


I've finally passed the last pair of stairs and made my way to the most silent corner of the roof.
I sitted on a bench next to a wall, so if someone might heared me they wouldn't find me.
The sky was so beautiful today, I could stare at it and never feel asleep.
I opened the holder and grab my guitar.
This is the gift that Nagito gave to me on my last birthday.
It was all purple with a stain of white in the centre. The cords were light-blue and on the left side of the guitar's chest there were a little checkered lightning, that made my guitar more..... How I should I say it.....unique.
I hold it on my hands, took some deep breaths and started making some melodies.
The sound of the guitar relaxed me alot.
I would be so happy If I can hear it as much time as the school lessons excpect the private one.
I closed my eyes and I started focusing on the music I was making.
If Miu was here now she would make some drums noises with her mouth making these melodies more funny and beautiful.

I continued playing for some minutes but then I stopped when I heard some claps near me.
I turned to the person that was clapping, my face full of shock.
"GAH-!" I muttered facing the person.
"Oh! I-I'm s-sorry. I d-didn't meant to sc-scare you.."
He stuttered holding his hands right on his chest.
He was a really tall boy, with dark blue hair and golden eyes.
His skin was white just like the snow.
He was wearing black clothes and an emo hat.

He then come near me.
"M-might if I sit he-here..?"
He said pointing at the bench.
"OH! Heh...No I don't mind!"
Why my checks are burning up like hell?!
He sitted next to me.
"A-are you the ultimate g-guitarist?"
He asked looking me straight in the eyes.

"Uhm....no. Im Kokichi Ouma. The ultimate supreme leader! See the mark on  my left sleeve? It is the Ouma society symbol! I play the guitar just as an hobby."
I lied, and that hurts a lot to fake your real talent.
"O-oh. Well y-your pr-pretty good at playing it."
He said making a small smile.
I said, trying not to make eye contact. My heart was beating up so fast, my checks were on fire, what's wrong?!!
I tried to hide my pink-ish checks
putting a curious look on my face.
"And you are?"
He looked at me confused then spoke up.
"Ah! I-I didn't t-tell you m-my name..Im Shuichi S-Saihara, the ultimate p-pop sensation..!"
He said blushing because of the failure he made.
"So you're a singer? Wow Saihara-Chan!"
I said smiling.
I could tell he was blushing for the new nickname and that makes me smile more.
"Aww! Saihara-Chan is blushing for his new nickname. How cute!"
"Well.....t-that was un-unexcpected."
He said making me giggle.
"by the waaay how did you found me?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
He asked confused.
"Alot of people hear me play my guitar, but when they try to find me they don't search in here.
So how did you found me Saihara-Chan?"
"O-oh....well I-I like to c-came  here to s-sing along with the wind. And w-when I heard you I tought you would be in h-here."
"I came here sometimes too to play the guitar. So this is destiny! Don't you think Saihara-Chan??"
He said blushing and making me giggle.

Then he stayed quite, so did I. But it wasn't a normal silence because someone said a nonsense, it was a bit different, but I can't understand what kind of one.
"D-Do you want to p-play the guitar a-again..?"
He asked blushing.
"Sure, why not! What should I play?"
I answered.
"M-Maybe a me-melody from y-your favourite s-song..?"
I stutter. I wasn't prepared for this.
I took some deep breaths and started playing the guitar.

He was looking at me shocked, and that maked me flustered a little. I  played a little part of "sing me to sleep".
I really love that song so much.

Then the loudly sound of my guitar was stopped by a loud beep.
"Oh it's my phone."
We both said in unison.
Then we looked at eachother.
"Well guess it's both our phones."
I said giggling and looking at the screen.

14 missed calls from 'drum garbage👁️👄👁️'

Miu? What does she want now?
I looked at the chat.

drum garbage👁️👄👁️: hey it's 5:14PM where the egg are you?!

I screamed making Shuichi jump.
I fastly got up with my guitar.
"Sorry Im in a hurry, see you around!"
I said running as fast as I could for not being more late.

'hope she will not use a bad language when im down there.'

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now