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Kokichi's PoV

*Let's time skip to 2021- I mean when classes are done*

Welp, Not gonna lie but classes really went away soon today, It's better like this tho "Phew..I'm wondering what Nagito is doing right now..since he followed that strange tiktok trend when you change your profile pic telling everybody what are you doing and-" I saw the pic he was having right now and my face soon becamr confused "..now he has got a picture that means 'Having sex-'" I stopped mid-way thinking about THAT.

"uhm...better go somewhere else.." I mumbled as I turned around and went completely in a different street.

Now the problem was..what to do?- I had planned to go to my house and do my homeworks but,,,,,,well maybe I can think of a new song to write! Yes! That's what I will do! I have some piece of papers and a large amount of pens and pencils so, Let's get going!


"Hajime..Have you picked a colour yet?" Chiaki looked away from her cards and towards hajime that was looking at the centre of the table, where a large portion of Uno cards was laying, with a  'colour change card' In the highest point.

"I'm not sure.." Hajime rubbed his back still confused "I'm insecure if to choose blue or yellow.."

"Well, This is what Uno is about!" Nagito smiled slightly "Honestly I didn't tought you were this stupid at Cards games..."

"Because it's not true! That's why you didn't thought of it anytime!" Hajime replied back with a small frown "I'm good at playing card games...but not AMERICAN card games!!"

Chiaki sighed "true nagito..This game is a bit complicated....How can americans manage to play this..?" Nagito just narrowed his eyes "Because they created it of course..and also! This game is known in alot of countries!"

"Yeah..but not Japan.." Hajime snorted out. Nagito looked at him annoyed before sighing "Well then did you choose this colour?" Hajime looked at him before noding "Blue."

Nagito looked back at his cards and so did chiaki "Okay then it's my turn now..Here I have a blue three." He placed the card on the pile.
Chaki made a small smile " I have a 'blue  turn change' card so if the rules are correct now it's nagito's turn again."

"Indeed!" Nagito smiled "Woah, it's amazing that the ultimate gamer it's capable of knowing about card games this well!" Chiaki couldn't help but blush "T-Thanks..." Hajime smiled as his two 'boy and girl' friends were a bit flushed.

᯾✫𝖳𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗉 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝖴𝗐𝖴✫᯾

"UNO!" Nagito exclaimed happy as he now possessed only one card instead of the fifteen-seven cards that Chiaki and Hajime had.
"Wow..." Chiaki mumbled looking shocked. Hajime just pouted "Well I think it's obvious, he played this game alot so-"

"Stop being such a dramatic over card games that you can't Win....STUPID!" Nagito exclaimed laughing. Chiaki snorted slightly and hajime just glared at nagito
"You just used a tiktok trend to tease me. . ."

Chiaki couldn't help it and started laughing uncontrollaby, Nagito soon joined too. Hajime still was shocked by the insult he just got. "I would really just join despair to know why I love you so much." Nagito tutned around and looked at him with a small smirk "Well, you told yourself! You are in the hope team!" He hugged chiaki and Hajime tight, thing that made the two of them blush slightly.
"W-why the sudden hug Ko?"
Hajime stated kinda flustered, slowly hugging back.

Nagito made a small smile and stroke Hajime's hair softly "Because I love when you two get flustered even if a trashcan guy like me is hugging you with his stinky hands!"
Chiaki pouted at that comment as she started stroking Nagito's hair "You're not something like a trashcan. In computers trashcans usually makes you delete stuff out of your pc. I don't think I would delete you."
Nagito's eyes widened slightly at the answer, was he really this important?

Hajime looked at Chiaki slightly and soon noded, stroking the ultimate lucky student's hair too "I agree with that! I would problably be considered a pure dreadfull blackened without a heart if I would do that..."

"Don't go in Izuru mode now-"
"uuhhh....Is he becoming that long haired black machine?"


"Wow, Hajime you even defend your wrost enemy?-"

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I- ugh. You know what?! Yes, I'm turning to Izuru mode right now. And you problably make me feel happy to change."

"Well then Chiaki let's go chapter 5, shall we?"

"Yeah..good option...but this time You're the blackened I'm too tired.."

"Okay! I'm gonna grab the spyron!"

"Did you realise you're saying this in front of a person that suffered alot because of that?"

"Uh...where you in Izuru mode two seconds ago.?"






"Okay, I get it...I'm gonna bake some doki doki leterature club's cupcakes."

// yes- Let's end a chapter like this-

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now