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______☀︎︎𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙☀︎︎_______

𝙺𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚅

After the club meet the day passed really fast and it was now morning.
It was Saturday. Last day of school of the week Finally!
I couldn't take these frigging lessons anymore. I wanted some peace.
I put on my usual white uniform and went to school.
Miu wasn't walking with me because she has got a lesson an hour before me so I had to walk alone.
When I arrived to the school entrance I saw that alot of people of my class where there.
I tried searching for Fuyuhiko, because he was the only person that I could talk to, but what I found in front of me?

"Why hello there Ouma-kun!~" Her fake-happier voice sounded in the air.
"I was searching for ya y'know!"
why does she wants to talk to me.
"That's pretty unexcpected that a so famous girl talks with a nerd." I said grinning making her a little angry.
" oh oh your insults won't make me angry today! I need an answer from yesterday~!"
Oh fuck. Does she mean that answer..?
"......." My face become more paler after every seconds that passed and I tried to hide it but it was worthless.

"So so so so so so! What the nerd supreme leader has to say to me??"
She said jumping up and down, making some people's attention over us.
"As I would tell this to some piece of shit like you." I tried to remain calm and to keep my 'leader' personality.
"Oh oh what a bad attitude! You should be more respectful to girls! By the way..."
She took me by the scarf and pulled me more closer to her.
"I will not leave you until you tell the truuuuth!"
She whispered smirking. Things started to get pretty uncomfortable.
"I.....uhh...." I was trailing off.
Her smirk grew more as she knew that I was panicking.
Invent something Invent something! I tought to myself not knowing what to do.
"C'mon you're...??"

"I'm sorry but you should leave."
A very serious voice spoke up all of a sudden.
"eh? Who are you to say tha-"
We both turned around to saw.
"Oh...heh, hello there Tojo-san..! me and Ouma were just having a friendly conversation..!"
" leave please." Kirumi stated like she was about to throw a pan at her.
Hizuki glanced at me and then runned to the school entrance.

"Woah....are you like a lion to her??" I said shocked. For the first time someone scared hizuki.
"No, but more like the president of the student counsil."
"Wait weren't you even one of my father's maid?"
"Correct. But unlike the other maids I have an ultimate."
geez, how could I forget about that. They gave her the title of ultimate maid because of all the things she can do!
"Well....thanks for saving me! But I think I should go to class."
I said getting out of the conversation and rushing in my classroom.

_____☀︎︎𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎☀︎︎___

I spent most of the morning talking with Fuyuhiko. We just met two days ago and we look like total besties!
But now that lunchtime was over he had to go to some stupid afternoon classes.
"Well see ya next week Kokichi!" He said before leaving me on the rooftop, alone.
I sighed. "Better then be alone all the morning."
It was totally a miracle that me and Fuyuhiko meet. Really, in all of  my class people hate me for not so certain reasons..
But at least Miu and Fuyhiko are here.

And maybe even Shuichi and Kaede too.

My tought were stopped when someone, A CERTAIN SOMEONE, started singing, and his voice could be heard everywere.
I silently followed the beautiful and relaxing voice and I found myself in my favourite corner of the roof.
I sneaked out a wall to found Shuichi, a concerned look on his face.
"Damn these lyrics are too hard for me.." He murmured reading some lyrics in a piece of paper.
Maybe he's studing miu's song...?
I continued to silently watch him. yep. He was studing that.
well maybe I could help him!
After some time I decided to appear.

"Heyo Saihara-Chan!" I screamed making him jump a little.
"AH! o-oh h-hello Ouma-kun..! I didn't s-see you.."
"Well that's because a supreme leader always hides in the shadows!" I said with a mischievious voice.
"By the way call me Kokichi!" I said returning to my childish voice.
He sighed and looked again at the piece of paper.
"Training with Miu's lyrics?"
I asked sitting next to him, he got a little flustered but then answered.
"Y-yeah....I can't sing like this in my first c-concert..!"
"But Miu should sing whit you right?"
"Well then don't worry! Miu never become shy when she on the stage!"
"B-but I am..."

"Oh so Saihara-Chan really is an Emo-boy huh??" I looked straight in his beautiful golden eyes, they were so cute that I could be hypnotized by them.

".....hehe..." He chuckled slightly avoiding eye contact.
I pulled my hand on his chin and made him look at me.
"I can help you with the lyrics if you want! I know them more then my father!"
"R-really..?" He stuttered out, his cheecks of a bright pink.
"Of course! A supreme leader is good at everything! And also has a good brain!"
I commented nishishi-ing (idk why but I want to wrote this.)

He muttered a silent 'thanks' before he gave me the piece of paper for letting me explain the song to him.

____☀︎𝙲𝚕𝚞𝚋 𝚝𝚒𝚒𝚒𝚖𝚎☀︎︎____

After my explanation Shuichi now could sang the song perfectly. I'm proud about that strangely....really what's wrong with me?

We made our way to the club room and started praticing again, and this continued even the other days and finally we arrive there.

Thursday, 22nd of May, one day before our first show.

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now