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"Ah. Ouma. I think it's better if you go to the nursery for a check. But only this day you will be lucky to skip the lesson. alright?"
The teacher said serious but concerned.
"Dontcha worry miss!"
I said, stooding up from my seat and hopping to the nursery.


As I arrived  there I knock on the door three times.
Then a shyly voice spoke up.
"C-c-come in!"
I gently open the door to find Mikan sitting on a chair and....Shuichi? When he turned his head to see me he got flustered and turned again.
"Woah so it's truly destiny Shumai!"
I smirked noticing that his cheecks were of a bright pink.
"Y-yeah....how insane..."
He stutter sarcastically.
I giggled and sat on one of the beds.
"s-so w-what's t-t-the prob-blem..?"
Mikan said gently walking over me.
"Something really unique! No insane! Mayori-san strangled me!"
"W-W-WHAT..??!? o-o-oh s-sorry I-I s-s-s-shouldn't scream like t-that.."
She apologised on her knees.
"Nahh. It's fine my teacher screams louder than you."
I said hearing a giggle from Shuichi.

"By the waaay, why are you here Saihara-Chan? did someone hurt you? Im gonna punch'em in DA FACE!"
"n-no...me and Miu got into a little fight.."
"Oooh. I'm sorry I should have informed you that miu punches really hard."
"I-it's okay..don't worry..!"
He said making a small smile that made my heart go-  what the fucking egg am I thinking.?

"C-Can you t-try to m-m-move your head up and d-down..?" Mikan spoke up picking some bandages.
"Alrighty!" I said moving my head up and down.
"G-good I was t-t-thinking that y-you couldn't move it a-anymore."
She stated making a sigh of relief.
"Are you sure you moved your head in all the ways??"
Shuichi asked.
"Of course my dear Shu- OW! OW! OW! OW!"
When I moved my head to the right for turning to Shuichi, my neck started to burn up.
Mikan quickly stood up and bandage gently the right side of my neck.


"M-make s-sure to d-don't move your head on the r-right ok??"
She said putting the pair of bandages back on their spot.
"Yes mrs. CAPTAIN!!" I laughed making mikan crying because she tought she said that too angrly.
"S-sorry for p-pissing you o-off, you t-t-two better s-stay here for s-some t-time alright..?"
"ok." We said in unison.
Then Mikan waved and left.
Now we were the only one in this room, and I can say that I was flustered.
"W-what did the teacher do to Hazuki..?" Shuichi asked curiously trying to start a conversation.

"She punched her right on her nose!"
"But I maybe just tell another lie Nishishi~!" I smirked.
He sighed. " C-can you tell me the truth please..?"
"oww. That's not fun Saihara-Chan....but because you're the most cutest emo boy in this school I will gladly tell you the truth!" He blushed and covered his face with his hat.
"So in reality, we got detention."
I stated not with my happy and funny tone anymore.
"Yeah, the teacher gave me detention too during club time. How boring. Well luckily our meet is at 6!"
He whispered something to himself but I couldn't tell specifically.
There were some minutes of silence then we start to make a conversation about our classmates and teacher. A pretty boring argument but turned out really funny with him.


The bell could be heard around the nursery.
"Guess it's c-club time huh?"
Shuichi asked even if he knew the answer.
"Oh no now I have to stay in detention with that demon. I hate my life."
"D-don't worry, just stay silent and don't approach her, stay distant and think about something that makes you happy!"
He said smiling.
"Honestly, I don't take orders, but I take that as an advantage! See you soon Shumai!"
I said running out the room and walking to my class for detention.
Luckily, Hazuki wasn't here already, so I had some time to place one of the chairs in a corner of the room, to think about something that will make the minutes move faster.

And the thing that surprised me the most is that I was thinking about Shuichi the whole time.

Even if I wanted to remain relaxed, the door slowly opened.
"Yahooo! Purple rat garbage are you already here??"
A blonde haired girl popped up on my sight.

"I knew it! You're just like a nerd. Even the bandages make you more like it." She smirked sitting on one of the chairs.
"Your cat eat your tongue??? what was it's name??"
"She isn't an object and she still alive."
I said. Seriously why talk about Bessie she did nothing wrong!
"Oh really? Jeez, I tought the cat decided to getting crushed by a car for how boring you are" She laughed, making me more angry.
I sighed and stayed silent.


The bell FINALLY decided to appear!
I rushed over to the door for taking my guitar but then she took my right arm and pulled me on one of the walls.
"What. I'm busy right now." I almost screamed with anger.
"Oh talk with Hazuki is more important then your stupid things. That's a big no no!"
"Go straight to the point. You're pissing me off."
"Oh if you want that then here."

She said smirking.
"I just want a basic and genuine explanation by you."
"depends on what you want to know..?"
Her smirk become more big and scary.  It could make a child cry in horror.

"what were you doing in the music room?"

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now