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"There you are stupid gremlin! What were you doing? Cuddling your nipples?!"
Miu said seeing me at the end of the corner.
"W-What?! *Huffs* No..."
I said trying to breath.
"hmm? I don't think so. You're face explain everything!"
"Please stop with this comments."
" alright, alright."
She said taking a deep breath.
"So as I said this morning I want to help ya with revealing your talent. And you know how?"
she started, I shook my head because I didn't know the answer.
"Well, Follow me! This is the best plan I ever had in my head I swear!"
She said hopping on her tippy toes and entering a class.
I followed after her.
The class was really colorful.
There were four chairs and desks in front of a white board on one of the walls.
There are some music instruments around the class like an eletric piano, a reeeeaaally big drum and a microphone.
"Oh hi Miu! You brought the new member of the band!"
A blond girl said coming near us.
"Wait a member of the band? miu? What. Is. This.?"
I said looking at her in confusion.
"Well I tought that it would be great if you joined the school band! By the way Kokichi this is Kaede, Kaede this is Kokichi!"
She said pointing at Kaede.
"Hi! Im Kaede Akamatsu the ultimate electric-pianist! As ypu can think, Im the pianist of the band!"
"Im Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader!"
I said trying to smile even if it was hard.
"Wow a supreme leader! I actually excpected you were an ultimate guitarist since Miu told me that you're really good at playing it!"
She said, as if she was shocked.
"It's just a hobby that my major cousin make me do! It's not that big of a deal!"
I said trying to uncover the fact of my secret talent.
Miu looked at me, concerned of what I was thinking, and decides to change the plot of the conversation.
"Now....where is that Emo singer?!"
She said glaring at the room.
"He said he will come soon!"
Kaede answered.
"Who the egg are you talking about?"
I questioned.
Said so, the door of the class opened revealing.....Shuichi?
"Sorry I was a bit la- WOW!"
He jumped when he looked at me.
"What? You saw a spi-"
Miu said but I cut her off.
"Saihara-Chan! Are you here too?"
I said jumping up and down in front of him, making Kaede giggle and Miu more confused.
"Wait....you know eachother?"
She said.
"Yep! Since two hours ago!"
I said continuing jumping.
"Well at leaat we can start the club hour!"
Kaede exclaimed pointing at the chairs.
"Sit down and let's begin!"


"So today we will use our instruments!"
She said writing "instruments (•̀ᴗ•́)و" on the whiteboard.
Then Miu held her hand up.
"Yes Miu?"
"What that emoji means?"
"oh...I like writing emojis!"
She whispered too loudly making kaede flustered and receiving a deadly glare by me.
"Uhm...let's return to the main topic! I will start!"
She said taking her piano from a corner.
She placed it in front of us and started making some melodies.

I think she played.....Der Flohwalzer..?

She plays really good! It actually surprised me!
Then she finished and looked over at us.
"So who wants to play now?"
She said.
"I think Suckichi wants to go!"
Miu said.
I glared at her angrily then spoke up.
"Sorry but I don't know any Suckichi here."
"Oh? Then we will stay silent until he enters!"
She said laughing.
I sighed and got up from my seat making my way towards Kaede.
I then grabbed my guitar from my back and started playing 'On my way'.
Shuichi and Kaede were shocked, Miu had her eyes shining.
When I finish I recieved a long applause.
"Wow! You're pretty good at playing it!"
Kaede said, bright smile on her face.
I murmured.
"Now go back on your seat Suckichi! It's my turn!"
Miu said too proud of herself.
I sighed and sat down.
Then Miu grabbed her drum, even if it was pretty heavy and placed it in front of us and she started making some melodies. (don't tell me why a drum can make melodies.)

"Where is the applause fuckers?!"
She said almost angrly while she sat down.
Kaede sighed.
"Guess is your turn Shuichi!"
"a-ah! R-really..?"
He said jumping and immediately getting flustered.
"Yeah! Go Pooichi!"
Miu exclaimed.
He then looked at me for an instant and he quickly go in front of us.
He took a deep breath and started singing.

(I mean, yeah sure he has to sing that, WAIT WHAAAAT?-)

My eyes widen when I listened to his voice.
That was really amazing and his voice was kinda cute.
No. His voice was totally incredible!
"Woah there Suckichi, you've been hypnotized!"
Miu said moving her hand in front of me, taking me back to reality.
"What- That's not true!"
I replied back.
I realise that I was staring at Shuichi, thing that made him flustered.
Kaede was hysterically giggling.
Then Miu stood up and with one of her finger she touched a corner of my mouth.

"Bro, you were drooling."

And thanks to that, my face looked like a tomato, I hide my face in my hands and I started screaming in them, making everybody laugh.


"Okay guys so let's meet tomorrow at the same time alright?"
Kaede said while all the four of us where exiting the school.
"I'm sorry but I have guitar's lessons at 5PM."
I said.
"Well how about 6PM?" Shuichi asked.
"But the club time is over at 6PM Pooichi!"
Miu stated.
"Y-yeah....I know. B-but maybe I can ask my aunt?? She's the co-president of the school so I could ask her for a class?"
"Wow! So your aunt is Kyoko kirigiri??"
"Y-yes it's h-her."
"Wow Saihara-Chan! Wow! Wow! Wow!"
I exclaimed hopping on my tippy toes.
"Well then Let us know in the chatgroup alright?"
Kaede said leaving the group and went to her house.
"A-alright! Well b-bye then."
Shuichi said going to a near street leaving me and Miu at thr school entrance.
"Wanna walk home togheter Suckichi?"
"Well if you stop calling me that cum dumpster oki!"

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now