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ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 1918

It was one of the most shiny days of the month.
The light of the sun was interfering my peaceful dream.
'Please shut off this damn sun!'
I screamed in my mind trying to cover my face with my hands.
Then the alarm went on ringing in my ears signaling with his loud BEEEPS that it was 7:00AM.
I screamed trying to shut off that damn alarm with my left arm.
But my bedside table was too far away from my arm.
Im wondering why they call it a bedside table when is too far away from the bed!
Maybe it's only because I'm short.

"UGH! got it....I'm waking up."
I mumbled as I got up from my bed.
I made my way to the BEDside table and shuting off that DAMN DEMON.
"The only  thing that you are good at is that you never make me run over the school."
I said glaring at the alarm, even if it was an object.
I then sighed and changed into my school uniform.
Well I hate putting this uniform.
It is too uncomfy and tight that I actually can't even breath when I'm eating.
It was all white with a checkered scarf that I had to put on my neck.
'That makes you like a perfect member of the Ouma society!'
My dad said when he give it to me as a gift for entering hope's peak.
why I'm even calling him my dad?
He's an asshole that only wants to make me a leader of an evil organization to cheat with all the politics and have alot of money on his hands.

He don't care about me. Even a bit.
He hug me, he smiles at me, he talks to me, but he never said 'this is your decision. whatever you pick for me it will be fine.'
he always said 'what? You want to face everybody and say im the ultimate guitarist??' and then he gets angry and- well let's just focus on the main things.

I was thinking about it for a long time. Thinking about to stop.
To stop hiding my true self.
I'm not a jerk that helps his father because he don't want to gets hurt.
I will fight! No matter what consequences. I want to show to everybody that I, Kokichi Ouma, Am not the ultimate supreme leader. But the ultimate rock-guitarist!
I have to do this, I can't hide forever, there will be a time when someone will gossip about it.
and I don't want that to happen.
I want to show it to the entire world with my own two hands!
I have to do this, even for Nagito, my major cousin, the only reason I still alive.
If it wasn't for him I probably still in that forest, with a rope on my neck...slowly dying.
He accepted me for who I really am. And he is paying for making me do in the afternoon private music lessons at Hope's Peak.
He is helping me to reach my dream, my most biggest wish! And I have to make my part too.

I rushed down to the kitchen.
He wasn't here.
He always gets up at 5:00AM for work and leaves on the table some cereals with a cup of milk, and the backpack with all my school stuff and lunch.
"Don't worry Nagito just a little more, and you can finally work on normal times!"
I exclaimed eating my breakfast fast and then, picking my backpack and get out of the house , loudly slamming the door behind me.


Hope's Peak isn't too far away from my house, that's why I always prefer walking to school instead of ride my bike or ask Nagito to drive me there.

There is also someone that gave me company in here.
Speaking of the demon.
I stopped walking and turned around to find my bestfriend Miu Iruma, the ultimate drummer.
On the outside she seems cold and always make fun of people with horny comments, even kinky sometimes. But on the inside she's shy and kind and always wants to help her friends.

"Talks the sheet of paper."
I answered back.
"Mah. Sheet of paper? Im not that much of white. I lost my virginity some weeks ago."
see? Told ya.
"Yeah I know. They should call you the ultimate sucker, not the ultimate drummer."
"nop. Then the people will think that you suck a drum."
"I really did that when I was young tho."
".....remind me, why I'm your bestfriend?"
"well because you're one of the people which I'm attached the most!"
"Maybe the only one nishishi~!"
"E-ehm....m-maybe...by the way, what would you do about it?"
"I've make my decision. I will do it."
"Well Nop! I don't care what my dad will do. I want to show everybody who I really am!"
"That's great! I will totally help! And I already know how!"
"Im liste-"
I was cut off by the school bell ringing signaling that the lessons were about to start.
"I will tell you later! Meet me in the second floor of this frigging  school at 5PM! I'll explain everything there!"
"But wait! I have the music less-"
I didn't even have the time to answer that she was already gone out of my sight.
'Well let's just believe in her and hope her plan will succeed.'
I said walking to my class.
For all the morning I have to do things about society and language. You know why? It's obvious. My fake talent.
The president of Hope's Peak believed my father when he assigned me here and so I had to do lessons that I don't care a shit about.

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now