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ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 952

_____☀︎︎𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙☀︎︎____

"NAGITO!! WE'VE DONE!!!" Me and Shuichi rushed in the kitchen with two pieces of paper. After some time of thinking and surprises we finally chose the outfits!
"Wow! I'm so glad! Can you show them to us??" Nagito asked.
"Of course here they are!"

(pic found on pinterest! This will be the outfits of Kaede and Miu but without the hat!)

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(pic found on pinterest! This will be the outfits of Kaede and Miu but without the hat!)

( found this on pinterest too! This will be Kokichi and Shuichi's ones but with the only different that Shuichi's clothes are bluenette!)

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( found this on pinterest too! This will be Kokichi and Shuichi's ones but with the only different that Shuichi's clothes are bluenette!)

"I didn't know you guys could draw pretty well." Kyoko said finishing her cup of tea.
"Thanks! Actually I didn't tought Shumai could have this perverted personality, but he can draw very well! Even better than me!"
"H-Hey..! I-I TOLD Y-YOU IM NOT A P-PERVERT..!!" Shuichi murmured taking his hat down.
"Well you should know I'm a liar Shuichi!" I said coming next to him and placing my hand over his hat removing it from his head.
"and stop avoiding eye contact. Your eyes are so beautiful."

This made him more flustered abd his cheecks burned up! And I was happy about his reaction. but why? I never felt happy when I made someone flustered. Is this....my mind joking or maybe....

my heart??

"Oww! you guys are too cute!" Nagito commented taking me back to reality, a small but noticeable blush on my entire face.
"You always ruin the moment Nagito." Kyoko stated covering her mouth, maybe because she was giggling?
"Ah...sorry...I shouldn't have shouted that right at the moment..!" He fastly apologised then grabbed the two pieces of paper with the outfits on it.
"Better start working huh?" He asked looking at Kyoko. She simply noded.
"You guys can stay here waiting for us alright??" Kyoko smiled, even if she looked like the new owner of the house.
"a-alright." Shuichi answered for me and we sat down in the living room.

"Kokichi...c-can I ask you something.?" Shuichi asked after noticing that Kirigiri and Nagito went away. "Sure My beloved Shumai!" I exclaimed.
"W-well, when you told me that my eyes were b-beautiful did you m-mean it??" My face became more like a cherry. "Maybe..? No okay it's not the time for lying. Yes I mean it, your eyes are beautiful." I almost murmured the last part.
A noticeable blush came accross our faces and from there an uncomfortable silence embranced us.
Time almost froze and that silence was getting pretty boring. So I just asked a random question.
"Hey Shumai! Why do you always wear that strange emo hat of yours?" He waited some time then spoke.
"I-It's not like I love to wear it..I just hate to show my e-eyes to people.....They always say t-that I could blind t-them..." He said, his expression went down. I didn't say nothing and just stared at his eyes. How people can say that they would blind them?!-
"B-by the way you surprised me a bit."
"What do you mean??"
"While Kyoko was draving us here I tought that maybe your house could be a mansion since y'know you're a member of the Ouma society..! And also I-I tought you lived with your father...i-is he at work..?"
My face went down a little but I hide it putting on a mask, a bright smile on my face.
"Well he loves to travel the entire world! He's now in America so that's why I'm in my cousin house!"
I said putting my worst fake smile in my own life.
"Are y-yo-"
"Hey guys! We've done!" Nagito and Kyoko returned in the living room, with four clothes on their hands.
"We better get going for take this two clothes to their owners." Kyoko stated signaling Shuichi to get up.
She then glanced at me for a second before she went near the door followed by Shuichi.
"Well then goodbye." She finished leaving. As Shuichi surpassed the door I grabbed his hand.
"Wait Saihara-Chan! Before you leave I have to give you this!!" I said hitting him on the forehead and smiling at him, closing the door.
Hope he will notice soon..

___☀︎︎𝚂𝚑𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒' 𝙿𝚘𝚅☀︎︎___

I sat on the car as I touched the point were Kokichi slammed me. There was something on it.
It was a note with a phone number on it and a small draw of Kokichi smiling saying 'Add me Saihara-Chan!!!' I smiled as I read the number again and again.
"What's that number??" Kyoko asked while driving.
"Oh....It's Kokichi's."
I almost murmured blushing only thinking about his name.
We just met a week ago and I was already falling for him.
"You sure love him so much huh?" She added smiling. My face become more redder. I wanted to ask her how did she knew but she already answered saying "your face tells everything."

"By the way I think you should talk to him more often." She spoke up again, a more concerned look on her face.
"What d-do you mean..?"
"When we left the house, Kokichi's face wasn't so happy."
"W-what?! I-I didn't notice i-it..."
I looked down. What if it was something to do about that question I asked him? Maybe he told me a lie didn't he??..
"Just try to show his true self....his a pretty good liar because of his stupid father."
"W-wait...you know him??"
"Long story. Kokichi should tell you about this." She finished signaling she didn't want to talk about that anymore. I sighed.
I need to know Kokichi more.

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now