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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1100 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬☀︎︎

☆𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕☆

We where all gathered in the Hope's Dreams changing room, preparing ourself for the show. But  the mood wasn't so bright at the moment. All four of us were silent. And we have a good reason for it. We just replaced, and I repeat REPLACED our guitarist with a new comer.

Well maybe the fact that she's the ultimate guitarist will help us alot. But I still think our band looks ridicolous right now. Hizuki for sure doesn't know the song. How will we manage to win or even participate without creating a mess?

It was then that Shuichi break the silence. "We're pretty much screwed." He stated, his expression cold. "Totally agree. And to think that we prepared for months for this." Miu added, without cursing actually.

Hizuki looked down. I didn't dare to spoke. The situation was insane. I looked at a clock in the room. It remains 51 minutes before the show begins. Not only the entire Japan but all the world will see our mess. Our meaningless efforts. Our wrost mistakes. All tonight. There's no hope left problably...

I wish Kokichi was here and not by his father. Maybe by now we would just insult all the other groups. Without any esitacions.

✯𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕✯

"hey. You can open your eyes now." I heard Kirumi mumble. "Huh? So we're still alive?" I said opening my eyes. In front on me there was a big dirt tunnel. It was dark and cold.

"Uhm....and now?" I asked. For sure I'm not going to crawl over this thing. "Now let's crawl over the other side of the tunnel." oh. Dang it.

"Do we really have to?" I sounded a bit uncomfortable, but I mean that's true-
"You want to save your cousin? Then go." I gulped slightly before I finally managed to step inside the tunnel.

"Kirumi, do you have a torch? It's too dark in this- this shitty hole!" dang that sounded so wrong to say Kokichi-

"Don't worry Kokichi, just some other inches and then this tunnel ends." DAMN KIRUMI. THAT WAS EXTREME- "no ok help let's go away from this satanic place." I stated hurriedly trying to go away from this tunnel as soon as possible.

And finally, my whishes came to reality. I found myself in a strange white room and with red lights. "Damn...." I mumbled slightly as I got up from that horrible- thing down there. " Am I   about to go in heaven or hell now for what I tought?- Wait why is heaven all around me and hell is up....are we up-side down??" I went in my own world trying to convince myself that I was dead, but Kirumi snapped me back to reality.

"What kind of ipotesis is that? Neither Colombus tought of that when he found America." I looked at her with a proud grin. "Well obviously because Colombus is both Italian and spanish so that means he can use both hand expressions and face expressions to hide his feelings. He totally tought to be in Asia!"

Kirumi narrowed her eyes. "Let's just- Dang you distracted me. I had found your cousin! but now I can't find him anymore." I looked at her "Ops. Sorry about that heh.." 'How could she lost sight of Nagito, I mean A HUMAN?' Kirumi made a small smile before glancing around. "Your cousin must be a really good hide and seek player." She mumbled with her cold tone. "All I can see around here is a table with a bunch of bagels. Some strange candels here and there. Some 'hope' write in the walls and then a strange looking mannequin. That's really creepy."

I looked over this strange mannequin, and suddenly it started laughing. "Well thanks for calling me an object. It would be best maybe if I was a mannequin. So this world would not have to deal with trash like me." The 'mannequin' looked at us and it was Nagito.

"NAGI-" "SHH! Kokichi remember the security cameras!" Kirumi shushed me again. "Oh. Right. naaagitoooo!" I whispered rushing over him and immediately hug him. "Oww Kokichi I missed you too small guitarist." Nagito made a smile, hugging Kokichi back. Kirumi then went near us and looked at Nagito. "Did they do something to you?" Nagito looked at her confused before thinking. "Actually, no. But if I remember correctly tomorrow I should be tortured to death." Me and Kirumi looked at him wide eyed, more for the fact that he said it in a calm tone, like nothing bad would happen.

"Well, thankfully we managed to arrive here in time." Kirumi sighed, touching her forehead slightly. "Now then let's get out of here!" I stated, still whispering obviously. Nagito made a bright smile, problably for the hope he was seeing in me, and we three exited the white room and found ourselves again in the medieval corridor. We walked as silent as we could and finally we arrived at the mansion again.

"Now we have to run over the parking sloths. I have a car there, and with that we can go back to Tokyo for the final concert." Kirumi stated, alot of brave in her. Nagito gulped slightly. "But wouldn't here be alot of maids and guards? Sougomi of course has planned something to stop us." Kirumi gave him a small smile. "Yeah that's true. But remember that I'm the most reliable maid in the Ouma Company."

She then stepped outside the dark room, and by a window, we could see her arriving over the huge garden of my father mansion. Other maids, seeing her, rushed by her side. All of them asking where I was. Kirumi went silent for a bit before pointing somewhere behind her, not exactly our hide place. "He's trying to find an exit over the maze in the second garden. We need to capture him now." a maze? Woah my father has that too. The other maids noded and fastly went over this supposed maze was.

When all of them were gone, Kirumi winked at us mumbling a small 'follow me'. We did as she said and after some minutes we exited my father mansion and went over the parking sloth. There it stood a beautiful car. All clean and of a bright mint colour. "C'mon let's go. We still have 30 minutes before the show starts!" Kirumi stated getting on the driver seat. We got in the car soon after, and Kirumi started driving over Tokyo.

Maybe a shiny bit of hope still awaits for me.

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now