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ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 1270

-*𝙺𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚅-*

I woke up as someone started poking my cheeck. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed Kaede with a small grin on her face. I looked at her confused before I realized Shuichi was still here, hugging me tight. I blushed alot and tried not to scream to not wake up Shuichi, that by the peacefull look on his face was sleeping tenerously.

Kaede helped me pull of Shuichi's grip even if I didn't want to, and togheter we left the room slowly going to Shuichi's kitchen to eat breakfast.
"I'm so happy you guys are togheter!" Kaede smiled cheerfully. "H-Hey..! We aren't togheter! who said that to you?!" I said while my cheecks turned of a  cherrish colour. "Nobody told me. I just saw it this night with my own two eyes!" I was confused and she giggled " I mean I was a little hungry so I walked towards the kitchen but I noticed that you two were there too and I heard all your sweet conversation you had." She smiled softly. "Oh..." I muttered in response. "Ugh...you got us...but please don't tell anyone about this alright?" I muttered glaring at her.
"Don't worry! I will not, I promise!" She smiled crossing two of her fingers. "Now let's go get breakfast! We have a race this evening and Miu told me she found a way to let us be more popular!"

✫❁𝖳𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝖲𝗄𝗂𝗉 𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖻𝗒 𝖲𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖺. 𝗇𝗈 𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗍 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽.❁✫

"For boobs Sake! I didn't tought you cook this well Kayayde!" Miu exclaimed as she ate two eggs. "Well...my mom teached me how to make them, I'm happy you like them!" She smiled. "Like them?! Holy Atua I fucking love them!! Kokichi what do you think??!" She glared at me, clearing her troat.
"They're really really really good!" I stated putting the plate where I ate, back at the kitchen.
"Thank you!" Kaede said smiling even more. "Uh guys- sorry for interrupting this moment but mind if I ask where is Pooichi?-" Miu asked really bored, "I have something amazing to show to ya and he's not even comi-"
"Don't worry, Don't worry, I'm gonna check on him right now!" I interrupted her making my way over the stairs. Miu looked at me with a confused expression and Kaede grinned making a thumb up- Oh god what does she have in mind...


"Hey Shumaiii~!" I said flirtatiously gently opening the door. As I expected he was asleep.  He was hugging a pillow tight and I looked in awe at how cute he was being.
"Shuiiichii! It's time to wake up!" I whispered in his ear. He slowly turned his head over me and opened his beautiful golden eyes.
"Moorning sleepyhead~!" I smiled  slowly caressing his cheeck. He smiled at the touch, his cheecks  tinted of a small pink. "Morning.." he murmured.
"C'mon my Dear Shumai, alot of work wait for us today!"
"B-but Im sleepy.." He hummed.
"Non-Non! You're not sleepy! I can see lies pretty well!"
I smirked, he looked at me straight in the eyes and grinned. "Why should I lie about this?"
"Mhhmmm..." I putted my inner finger on my chin thinking. "Maybe because you want some cuddles by lil'old meeee~!"
I said booping his nose and then his ahoge. He chuckled a little "Fine...you caught me."
"Nishishi~!" I giggled " Maybe after the race is over! But now let's go downstairs, Miu have something super secret to tell us!"


"So are guys all here?" Miu stated turning her phone on. "Yep! Now you better tell us this greatfull idea before my nerves will be pissed." Miu murmured a 'eeeeek!' before calming herself and started explaining. "You useless people can't understand the incredible work that I, the gorgeous girl miu Iruma have done!" She then showed her phone to us, there was an instagram profile to it. With over 12.045 followers.
"uhm- what's this..?" Shuichi asked a little confused.
"HUH?! ARE YOU THIS STUPID- geez..I'll tell ya." She cleared her troat and started grinning.

"This is our band official instagram account!"

"Before you start complaining let me explain why this will be pretty usefull! You know, during our first show on that damn gym, I heard some people asking Makoto if we had instagram! Think about it, we can share our new songs in here and even make stories, blogs and lives whenever we want! We can even do some backstages or bloopers and recieving shares and likes by alot of people! And by this we will get more famous!"
"Don't forget the comments!" Kaede exclaimed making Miu giggle. "Finally someone understood here!"  
"But what should we post? I mean on instagram there are alot of fake accounts." I asked confused.
"That's obvious Duh! How do you think I get in less then a morning all this followers?! Of course by posting something!" She said showing us a picture that Miu took yesterday while we were finding some lyrics.
"Miu for the first time you had a great idea!" I said smiling. "I FUCKING KNOW RIGHT!"
"But now the most important thing is the race so how about we start practicing?" Kaede asked.
"S-Sorry but my neighborhood doesn't like loud sounds.." everybody looked down and started thinking of an idea, before my eyes shined "I think now it's my turn to give the best idea!"

✪𝕋𝚒𝕞𝚎 𝚂𝕜𝚒𝕡✪

"Uhm- Kokichi....this was unexcpected." Kaede awkwardly giggled as she placed her electric piano on the ground. "C'mon after all this stage was set on so people could play music every hour of the morning and afternoon!" I exclaimed placing my guitar on set. "But what if p-people watch us..?" Shuichi asked. "Simple! Just continue! We will get more popular with this! But also we'll have fun!"
"So...Should we play 'kill someone for you'??" Kaede asked taking some sheets of paper and placing them infront of her. "Yuppy!"
"Wait you all a second! im gonna publish this on our stories!" Miu said grabbing her phone and taking a quick picture before turning it off.
I took some deep breaths and glanced to Kaede, since we where the first to play.

(( You know where the music isss soo sksk damn it already 1055 words- okay need to finish this soon IRDKIENIDHI ))

As the first time we played it , I can say it went pretty good. At least for me. I saw that Shuichi was very panicked while singing. We didn't even notice that an amount of people came see us and were clapping or taking videos, and other were even crying!

I smiled as I saw how much people likes our music even if we started just three days ago!

But with the corner of my eyes I saw a recognisible figure glaring at me. It was Kirumi.

She signaled with her hand to come near her, keeping that scary glare of hers, I tried to not make a blank face and while the others where busy with the fans that arrived here, I took the opportunity to walk near her.
"Okay so what do you wa-" She putted her hand over my mouth  and rushed away dragging me.

don't worry Kirumi won't hurt a bee! It's just how the chapter needs to end qwq also sorry but after this chapter the updates will be really long over eachother because I will start school the 14th of September and I should repeat alot of things from last year since I will begin the last year of middle school (idk what grade is tho qwq) btw thanks for reading and hope you liked this chapter!^^

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now