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ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 1228

Thursday, 22nd of May, one day before the show.

I'm really impressed of how the days have passed in a flash.
But the thing that kinda make me feel anxious is that tomorrow will be our first show. Our first possibility to get known by some people!
"Okay guys tomorrow remember to shine!"
Kaede exclaimed trying to avoid her anxiety.
"Fucking right! Pooichi don't forget the lyrics you dumn-emo!"
"O-okay d-don't worry.."
"Well then I think for today we're done! We can go to our houses!"
We noded and exited the classroom.
I was in a total sense of anxiety, I could tell because my feet were going pretty fast.

I arrived at the school entrance and I stopped for a second taking back my breath.
"I wonder why, when I'm anxious I walk like speedy gonzales.." I hummed.

"K-kokichi..! There you are!"
I turned around to saw a lil-sweat Saihara Shuichi.
"Why hello there Saihara-Chan! You really love me for running all the way here!"
I smirked even if what I said made me feel flustered.
"W-what n-NO!! I-I came here for a-asking you something.."
"Everything for my Sweet singer!!"
he chuckled, his cheecks burned up of a bright pink!
"S-so I remember you told me you can do quite-everything r-right..?"
"yeah! What about that?"
"W-well, me and my aunt are working on the clothes, b-but we need some help..so I-I just wondered...

Do you know how to sew??"

"H-hm o-of course..! W-well my cousin is more good than me at doing that b-but I'm good too!"
That was the wrost lie I ever made.

"A-are you sure...? You kinda seem like your lying."
He said concerned.
"Me?? Lying?? Naah! Tell me where and when and I'll be there and help ya Shumai!"
He made a bright smile murmuring a small 'thanks'.
"Well, if for you is o-okay...maybe me and my aunt can go to your house this evening??"
"O-of course I-ll wait ya there..!"
I said waving at him leaving.















I screamed in horror messing up my hair and making Bessie jump from the couch.

"Woah there Kokichi! It's not like the world is falling over!" Nagito reassured taking me in a warm embrance.

"Well you no. But I quite can do that! So don't worry I will try my best to make you avoid the mistake!"
"Like I said, He was the one asking help so He can't sew too!"
"CALM DOWN! Kokichi he asked for help! And he isn't the ultimate sewer so I don't think that he can sew! So don't worry I will help you!" There were some minutes of silence, then I pulled off of the hug.
"Thanks....even If I look like a spoiled brat right now...like my classmates said..."
I whispered trying to not remember the other bad nicknames that they give to me.
"You're not spoiled Kokichi....you just made a little mistake....it's normal for people to make a mistake." Nagito reassured trying to adjust my messy hair.

".....You're more like a brother to me Nagito."

____☀︎︎𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐☀︎︎____

* Bing Bong ( Bong Bing) *

The doorbell rang in my hear and I slowly opened up the door.
There in front of me stood, a lilac haired girl with sorta like detective clothes and Shuichi.
"Hello there Ouma." Kirigiri said making a small but confident smile.
"H-hello..! Come in!" I said signaling them to enter.

When they entered Nagito offered them to sit next to the table for talking a bit.

"So......Maybe they can draw the suits and we will try to sew them?" Nagito asked to Kirigiri, that quietly tought to herself while me and Shuichi were silently looking at them.
"That seems the most convenient idea." She muttered out making a nod with her head.
They looked towards us noding.
"Well if you guys want you can draw them in Kokichi's room alright?" Nagito asked.
"Yuppy! Let's go Shumai!"
I said grabbing Shuichi by his wrist.


"Alrighty! Welcome to the ultimate supreme leader room!"
I stated entering the room.
"Wow, it's pretty big and.....purple-ish."
"Well I love purple more than everything! Sorry for not advising you for that!"
"a-ah...it's nothing. I d-do like purple e-even if I prefer blue." He said with his reassuring voice making my heart melt.
"By the way.....Here it is some paper! You will draw the girls outfits and I will do ours!"
"B-but why can't I do mine on my o-own..?"
He asked confused.
"So I can surprise my beloved Saihara-Chan!" I exclaimed putting my hands up!
"hehehe....alright" He softly giggled.
We then stayed silent and thought for some costumes ideas.
For me was pretty easily:
something colorful and shining and purple problably.
But the real question was Shuichi.
What does he like the most?

Maybe he's the type that likes pretty noticeable clothes? No way, he's such an emo.

Maybe some quite-emo clothes WHITOUT A FRIGGING HAT?? ,Whit maybe some blue accessories?? Well that sounds easy but so simple. I just hope he will like it....

____☀︎︎𝙽𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚝𝚘' 𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚅☀︎︎____

"So that's your cousin huh?" Kyoko said while I was taking some cups of tea.
"He sure is equal to how Shuichi described him to me." She said making a small smile.
"Well even Shuichi looks literally identical to how Kokichi talked about him. It's pretty strange that they met two days ago and now they know how to describe eachother."
"It's pretty strange but We were lke this when we were young." Kyoko said taking a sip of tea.
"Really? I tought I was more shy."
"You??? Shy?? pft- even a little." She said giggling.
"Well maybe?"
"By the way." Kyoko changed her expression into a more serious one. That means she wants to change the plot of the conversation. "I talk about it with my husband Naegi and he agrees so." She said sipping another part of her tea.
I was confused but waited for her to speak.
"We will move Kokichi on the 79 class. More specifically the music one."

My eyes widen. "H-how do y-"
"When Kokichi's father made him join the school, one month ago, Kokichi made a little hint on the envelope that for me was pretty noticeable. He added under his name '( u. Eletric guitarist)' and after some reasearch we found out what that means. So If for you is okay we can change his class." Kyoko whispered making a small smile.
"You always surprise me 'Lilac Spaghetti head!"
"Again with that little incident of 5 years ago.? I told you that those guys didn't even see me and bumped into me throwing me their plate of spaghetti on the head!"

"Yeah! I know! I was there!"
I laughed trying to not scream or making a loud giggle.

"Seriously, thank you very very much, he really deserves it."

♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now