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ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 1721


I was sleeping peacefully then something FORCED ME to wake up.
that darm alarm.
Really I want a hammer right now please.

I made my usually morning routine and left my house getting to school.
Instead of yesterday now it was much early so I could walk slowly.
I remembered about what my father told me yesterday.
He really doesn't want to get my talent revealed. But I won't give up so easily.
A maid huh? In his ass problably. Yet obsolutely.

I turned around to saw a panting Miu that was sweating like hell.
"Did you fall on a lake while you were running?"
I said sarcastically.
"Ah! And what were you doing? Making a run towards the school for losing weight?"
"No I'm not like that Hifumi guy. He really needs to lose weight."
"Your wish will become true only if you will see a 2D charachter running in the streets."
"Ew. Gross." I commented with a 'ew' face.
"I know right." She continued smirking.
"By the waaaay....did you know that I will quit the private lessons?"
"WHAT?!" She exclaimed recieving a dreadfull glare from all the people near the school entrance.
"You are joking right dude?!"
I shook my head.
"I will be happy if I was joking. But that's the truth."
I said looking at the floor.
"If I wouldn't quit then my cousin would go as a MAID in my dad's house."
"you don't know his name." I said chuckling.
"Of course I know his name. It's Sougomi Ouma."
"Ah you know his name."

"By the way im sorry if you will quit the private lessons but don't worry at 6pm you can still train with us! Shuichi told his aunt about that thing and she accepted! So we will train at 6pm instead of the normal club hour! You know we are even preparing for our first show!"
She stated hopping.
"Oh and were will it take place??"
"At the gymnasium the next Friday during the president birthday! Kyoko invited us since she's the president wife!"
"That's amazing!"
"Yeah! But there's a problem-"
Miu was cut off by the bell ringing.

"Well, tell you about it at the club hour! Don't you dare to forget the classroom or I'll smash you under my boots!!"
She laughed running to her classroom.
Well maybe it would be great to spend this hour to remember the right classroom, nobody is in the second floor and my class doesn't start yet so.


I walked towards the ultimate pair of stairs and went straight to the second floor.
The only thing I could hear were my shoes touching the wooden floor.
"If I remember correctly the next classroom should be the right one!" I talked to myself as I looked throught the class door's mirror.
Yep. It was the right class luckily.
"Phew....I tought I would completely go in another floor." I sighed turning away but then something stopped my walking. Or I should say someone.
"Hey! Look where you're placing your foot!"
I joked.
"Kokichi Ouma right?" The person, that by the voice should be a girl, said.
This person came near me and thanks to the light of the sun by the window now I could see her.

This person came near me and thanks to the light of the sun by the window now I could see her

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♫︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝♫︎ (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝕠𝕦𝕞𝕒)Where stories live. Discover now