Extra Chapter

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Extra Chapter

A/N: Sooo, hehe, I decided to do some clips of Rise of the Secret Soldiers with my own twists on them. Not really too much of the episodes because I suck at going back and recreating, but little cute imputs here and there. So this is like right after the battle. Speaking of which, anybody questioning where Douglas was after the battle? I mean, I find it a little weird if Douglas is in Mission Creek with Tasha after the battle and after Bionic Academy. Just sayin'. So, here goes nothing.

Dani's POV
The camera crew followed us to the mission site. I wanted to pound the camera into the ground because of the footage it already caught but I wasn't allowed to do that.

Then the Davenports started fighting. I rolled my eyes and tried to save the tower myself. When it broke, I jumped back.

"Dani!" Chase yelled and threw a force field to cover me and pulled me back into his arms.

I snarled and kicked until he let go of me, yelling in protest. "Do you see what you three did!! Because of your fighting, all of America lost power!!!! Because of you three, the entirety of the media will be on our backs more than ever! I'm sorry, but if this is how you are when there are cameras around taping your every move, then I'm done. We can't save the world if we aren't working together. And you three can't even put the world before yourselves."

Adam, Bree and Chase all looked at the ground. I felt like Mission Mom, but I had to say it. "I quit the team. That's my final decision. Not like I was a part of it anyways." I said before speeding home. I know the camera caught all that, but I was going to do what's better for the world than to do what's the best for me.


Everybody was yelling in the living room.
"Well why don't you quit, you've done it before." Chase remarked to Bree.

My eyes widened. "Hey! Don't you dare pull that one on her!"

"And what about you Mom, you wanna give us another lecture?"

I glared at Chase. "That's it. I'm done. Take me off the list and say I was never born. I. Fucking. Give. Up." I stormed out of the room and slammed the front door behind me. They wanted to act like children, fine. They can be children, but I won't stand for it.


"As of today, we're dissolving the team."

"What?" The president asked, like he hadn't heard right.

"I tried to change their minds Mr. President, but they're dead set on this."

"Dani?" The president turned to me.

I shrugged. "Quite frankly, I want to see what the world does without us."

"The world won't survive without you," the President responded but the others had already gone.

"Then maybe I'll still do missions, depending on how bad they are. But other than that, I can't help you, I'm sorry sir." The call ended and I sighed and leaned back on the cyber desk.

"You okay?" Chase asked and I shook my head.

"What do you think, Chase? We fail a mission, the world hates us. Leo accidentally showed off his bionics and Adam defended him and now the world thinks we attacked the public and then we dissolve the team."

"So, not okay then?" he questioned.

I sighed. "Goodnight, Chase."

"Wait, why?! I thought we were going to have dinner tonight?"

I looked back at him, "I don't want dates, Chase. I want the real Chase Davenport to show himself to me. And until you can do that, we're through. Goodbye, Chase."

It broke my heart to break up with him, but if they needed to learn the consequences of their lesson, Chase would be first.


"And speaking of the team, where's Dani?" The president asked.

I was invisible in the room only because I had been at the fight and heard about what happened to Davenport. I wanted to make sure he was okay. Plus, Leo's outfit was on point.

"We haven't seen her in weeks, sir," Adam said and Chase winced.

"You haven't? But she said she was going back home just a little over a week ago."

I nervously bit my lip.

"We haven't seen her, sir." Bree said.

I took a deep breath and made a decision. I became visible again. "I'm right here," I said softly.

"Dani!" Chase exclaimed and picked me up, spinning me around.

I smiled at him and he hugged me. "Hi Cupcake. You fought amazingly today."

"You were there?" he asked.

"Yeah I was there! Didn't think I would miss the biggest fight of the century, did ya?"

"Not in a million years," Bree said, laughing beside me.

We had a group hug and I held on to Chase's hand as we returned to face the President. "It's an honor to be back, sir."

He smiled back at me. "It's an honor to have you back, soldier."

I smiled brightly and the conference cut off. Chase held me close to him and I sighed and closed my eyes. I missed being in his arms. I missed being able to kiss him goodnight. I missed him. He pressed his lips to my temple and rested them there for a long time. If didn't want to be far from him ever again.


Mr. Davenport was hospitalized. We were all worried for him. I was still curious as to how he got so hurt, but nobody would squeak so I'd have to ask him myself. That is, when he got better.

Chase, Bree and I were in the lab when Leo came down saying that Mr. Davenport was doing better. It was nice to know that he would be coming home soon. I hugged Chase tightly and then hugged Bree. Their dad was going to be okay. He was coming home. And I think that is the greatest gift they could get after this.

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