Chapter 9- Bionics Revealed

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Bionics Revealed

(So, I'm skipping forward a bit because I'm too lazy to actually re-write 10 episodes into 1 chapter, so we're skipping to after Krane and S-1, kind of in the middle of the Government episodes where they go on the press tours. Yeah. Around there-ish. K, enjoy.)


Dani's POV
I was sleeping in the lab again, in Chase's capsule, waiting for them to get home from the press tour. The Government didn't want me to go on the press tour, even though the world knew about all 4 of us. I guess they were "saving" me for something "special". What a load of shit.

I yawned and stepped out of the capsule, rubbing my eyes. A bathrobe loosely thrown over my pajamas, I walked over to Donald's cyber desk and started sleepily making the floors with the coffee machine and mini fridge appear. I glared at any of the agents who tried to touch my stuff, threatening to use my laser eyes to shoot at them.

I trudged over and yawned, putting my mug under the Kurig machine and put in my favorite coffee and let it brew. Then I sidestepped to the mini fridge and took out an everything bagel and cream cheese. I toasted my bagel with my lasers and then spread on the cream cheese. By then, my coffee was done.

I took my bagel and coffee and sat at Leo's Mission Specialist Desk. I put my feet up and pulled out my phone out, checking my Twitter feed. The first thing I saw was Chase's most recent tweet.

Press conferences all over the world and having lots of fun. Wish my girlfriend was with us to see Paris. He even tagged me in it and I started pouting. I replied immediately, Wish I was there too, babe. But hey, you can take me for our next date, if you really wanna. ;)

After that I kept scrolling and Douggie's most recent tweet was, The kids are touring, and yet I'm at home with a bunch of dim wits who have no idea what they're doing. I laughed and everybody in the lab turned to look at me. I shooed them away and they returned to what they were doing before. But it was true, none of these idiots actually knew what they were doing. They were actually getting everything wrong. It was horrible.

Donny came downstairs holding a bunch of metal stuff, mumbling about stuff. "Dani, get in your mission suit, you have training." Donny said and I rolled my eyes.

"But Daddy!" I exclaimed and he looked at me like I was crazy. I shrugged, "Hey, it's worth a shot."

Douglas walked into the room, "What's worth a shot?"

"Daddy! Tell mean ole Uncle Donny that I don't have to train because I trained yesterday!" I exclaimed and hid behind Douglas. He gave me the same crazed look as his brother and shook his head, like he was shaking away any weird thoughts. Technically, Douglas is my father since he adopted me. Well, technically, he raised me from a zygote in a lab, but my birth is nothing of importance.

"No, Donny tells me what to do and I can't let him get mad at me or else he'll kick me out. Now go get your suit on." I glared at him and shot lasers at his feet, making him jump, before stomping up to my room.

"Morning Tasha," I grumbled as I walked past her.

"Sweetie, do you want breakfast?" she asked I paused and shook my head.

"No, I already had a bagel downstairs. But thank you anyways." She nodded and I hugged her quickly before walking to my room to change into my suit.

I did so quickly and then super sped down to the lab. I made the papers fly everywhere once I got down there. Donny smirked and Douglas did as well as they started me on training. I got through the simulations pretty quick and when I was done, Douglas high-five'd me. "New record!" he exclaimed and I smiled,

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