Chapter 4- Trusting the Siblings

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Trusting the Siblings

Dani's POV
After Mr. Davenport's big blow, I looked at Chase as he stood in his capsule and the door shut immediately. Chase started pounding on the door but it wouldn't open. I put my hands on the glass and he put his where mine were. I looked at him sadly.

"We can find a way out of this," he said and I nodded, agreeing.

"But how? If Eddy's watching over us 24/7 and you're stuck in your capsule at the moment, we can't right now!" I exclaimed.

"Right now, but that doesn't mean later. Look, I can't tell you here because Eddy's watching and listening but I'll tell you soon, okay?" he tried explaining.

I nodded and sighed. "I don't want it to be like this..." I said and looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes.

"I know, I don't want it to be like this either." he said and sighed, looking at the ground.

"Okay, well, I guess I'm gonna go upstairs now then." He nodded and I left, going upstairs and looking back at Chase as he looked like a lost puppy standing in his locked capsule and that's all I saw before the elevator doors closed. I walked to my room in a sad manner and landed on my bed, not bothering to change my clothes, and crawled into bed, throwing the covers over myself and hiding. I hugged the pillow that smelled like Chase, his cologne, his shampoo, him. I drifted off to sleep, into a dream about something happy despite what happened in the lab.

I woke up cranky and annoyed and overall, not happy. I walked into the kitchen, made myself a bowl of cereal and then sat at the counter, eating it. The elevator doors opened and I saw Chase. I had to stop myself from running to hug him so I just gave him a 'sup' nod and kept eating.

"Enjoying your Cheerios?" he asked, reaching for his own bowl and the cereal box as I nodded.

"Yeah, they're good." I said bluntly.

He looked over at me sadly. "Dani..."

I shook my head but winked at him to let him know that I was acting. "We can't do anything about it," I said roughly, finished my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink before going back to my room to watch movies and TV all day.

When Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo got home, they brought me my homework for the day. I finished it quickly and then went to make dinner as I used my super hearing to hear the conversation they were having.

"What's up with Dani?" Bree asked quietly to the boys and I knew Chase was looking at me. I glanced over there out of the corners of my eyes and saw Adam and Leo shrug and then the three of them look at Chase.

"Mr. Davenport happened, that's what." Chase said, grabbing his books and storming down to the lab.

I sighed and put the spatula down, lowering my head, taking a few minutes to let it out. I then recollected myself and returned to making tacos for dinner. I finished quickly and set the table before yelling, "Dinner!"

Everybody rushed to the table. "Dani, how nice of you to cook dinner tonight!" Tasha exclaimed.

"No problem, my pleasure," I said, smiling and sitting down before adding all of my ingredients to the empty shell and ate it. Chase was sitting at one end of the table and I was at the other. I looked up and our eyes met, just for a moment, before he looked away. I threw my taco down onto my plate and stomped away without any words.

-at the table-

"What was that about?" Tasha asked and Adam, Bree and Leo looked expectantly at Mr. Davenport. Chase kept eating silently.

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