Chapter 3- Illness

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15 minutes into the movie, Chase was out cold and Davenport walked in. "He asleep?" he asked and I nodded.

"Help me take him downstairs, maybe sleeping in his capsule will help him get rid of the cold." Davenport said.

I nodded, "I'll carry him, you just open up the doors."

Davenport chuckled, "I can do much more than-" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay..." he said and I smirked as I picked Chase up and carried him over my shoulder as Davenport pressed buttons and opened up doors.

Once in the lab, I set Chase down in his capsule, closing the door so he could sleep in peace. Davenport pressed buttons on the control panel and all of Chase's needs were taken care of.

Bree put her hand on my shoulder. "Dani, thank you for all you're doing for my brother."

I smiled at her. "It's no big, really. He made an effort for me, I owe him that much."

She smiled at me. "I just don't want to see you hurt, Dani."

I shook my head. "I don't get hurt. I've learned not to from the start of this mess."

I walked away from her and sat down in a chair, rubbing my temples. Only a minute later, Chase was awake and coughing again. I groaned internally and got up, grabbing a box of tissues and tapping on his capsule. He opened the door and I held them out to him. "Still feeling like you got hit by a bus?" I asked.

He nodded, "But better than before." I nodded and handed him something from out of my pocket. "What's this?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Don't ask questions, just take it with some water and get some rest and you'll feel a whole lot better by the time you wake up," I said and he nodded, taking the thing and a glass of water.

"Dani, what did you just give him?" Davenport asked.

I shrugged. "Something I took from Imposter Luke's home. It was in the medicine cabinet. I analyzed it over and over again. Nothing in that pill will hurt him or his chip. He's completely safe."

Davenport nodded, "Alright, as long as you analyzed it."

I looked over at Chase in his capsule and sighed. "Hang in there, cupcake, it's going to be a looong night," I whispered to myself and sat back down, keeping an eye on Chase.

I must have fell asleep somewhere around midnight because when I woke up it was four in the morning and Chase was thrashing around like crazy. I threw open his door and cupped his face. "Chase, you've got to listen to me. Don't fight it, okay, I need you to calm down and let the pill do it's job." He still thrashed.

"Dani, what did you do to him?!" Bree yelled.

I looked over at her, "It's not me, he's fighting the pill I gave him and he shouldn't be doing that! He could die if he does!" I exclaimed and Adam walked out of his capsule and stood beside me.

"So how do we get him to calm down?" he asked and I looked up at him.

"I need you to punch him, on his arms, his shoulder, but no where near his stomach or instines. That could damage him even more."

Adam nodded, "C'mon Chase, you can do this, let me do the fighting," Adam whispered to his brother as he threw the first punch. Chase slowly stopped fighting the pill as Adam kept punching him. Soon, Chase was as calm as the ocean on a sunny, non-windy day.

I smiled and threw my arms around Adam hugging him tightly. "You did it!" I exclaimed and I pulled away from him, high-fiving Bree next.

She shook her head in disbelief, "I can't believe that actually worked."

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