Chapter 1: The Twins

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If anyone had told me that I would soon fall in love with my Hogwarts crush I would have said they were crazy, but a blonde-haired boy with the most beautiful grey eyes changed my perspective on that.

Hi, my name is Katherine Parkinson. I'm the twin sister of Pansy Parkinson.  While most people think that twins act the same, My sister and I are opposites. Pansy is more outgoing and confident, although she can be very self-centered and insecure sometimes she's still my sister. But for me, I am shyer and self-reserved.

My sister and I received our Hogwarts letter a month ago. When our parents found out they were so excited for us. Both of our parents were purebloods sorted into Slytherin, so pansy was dying to be sorted into Slytherin also. Although I have no preference I see myself as a Ravenclaw, but my parents and sister cannot know.

The day after we received our letters our parents took us to Diagon alley for our supplies. We had just visited Gringotts Bank for some money. I had split up with my family to get my robe fitting, while they went to get books.  Once I had entered Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions my eyes were immediately drawn to the blond-haired boy who looked around my age getting his robe fitted. We had made eye contact and it seemed that neither of us wanted to look away. It's as if he was hypnotizing me with his grey eyes and I was falling for it. My trance was immediately broken when Madam Malkin had started talking to me. " Hello, dear are you here to get your robe fitting done". said Madam Malkin. "Oh.. Ummm...y-yes". I said stuttering. "Oh well follow me to the back I just finished with a client". She said sweetly. As I was walking to the back I brushed hands with the blonde-haired boy but he didn't seem to notice.

Draco POV:
As Madam Malkin was fitting my robe the door had opened and my eyes immediately shot to the door where I made eye contact with the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life. Madam Malkin finished my robe. I started to walk to the door when I brushed my hands against the girl and I felt myself blush as I rushed out of the store.

Katherines POV:
As Madam Malkin was fitting me I couldn't stop thinking about the boy and his mesmerizing eyes. My robe was soon done and I paid and caught up with my parents and we apparated home.

About 2 weeks had passed and it was now the night before leaving for Hogwarts. I was extremely nervous, unlike my sister who was utterly excited to leave mostly because she wanted to meet boys. That's another difference between me and pansy. She is BOY CRAZY unlike me who doesn't pay attention to boys but it's not like they pay any attention to me either. I was sitting on my bed in my shared room with pansy watching her picking out outfits to put in her trunk. "Kathy doesn't this dress make my eyes just stand out". Pansy asked me. "Yes, Pans they do". "You should really wear one of my dresses maybe then boys will notice you". Pansy said " Pans I've already told you I'm not like you," I said, storming out angrily. I didn't return to our room until I was positive that pansy was asleep so we didn't have to continue the conversation.

I woke up early to get ready and so I didn't have to talk with a Pansy. During breakfast, she broke the silence saying ' I'm sorry but what I said was true". As usual I rolled my eyes as in every other argument that Pansy and I had.

The car ride to the Hogwarts Express was quite except with the occasional comments from Pansy telling mum and dad how excited she was to go.

We had finally arrived at the brick wall that was between platforms 9 and 10 which they called platform 9 and 3/4. When I saw this wall I knew this was the beginning of my new life at Hogwarts.

Thank you guys so much for reading.
If you guys have any idea for future chapters let us know.

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