Chapter 17: The Yule Ball

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It had been 2 weeks since Hermione and I had gotten our dresses for the Yule ball. It is now the day of the Yule Ball and all classes had been cancelled to give everyone time to get ready.

Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and I were all in my dorm getting ready. I had just finished my hair which was in a beautiful bun. I had started to work on my makeup which was different shades of green eye shadows. I slipped on my green dress with my black heels and looked at myself in the mirror.

 I slipped on my green dress with my black heels and looked at myself in the mirror

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By the time I had finished it was time to go down to the Great Hall

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By the time I had finished it was time to go down to the Great Hall. I walked with Hermione to the staircase and she walked down first and I heard people gasping by how beautiful she looked. I was extremely nervous but I had started making my way down the stairs when I heard Pavarti say " She looks beautiful" causing everyone to look at me. As I was walking down I looked at Draco who was absolutely shocked by my appearance. I smiled at him and made my way over to Blaise. "Wow Kathy you look absolutely spectacular". I blushed at his comment and thanked him as we walked into the Great Hall together.

We had started to Dance for a while and Blaise then said " Kathy I've been wanting to ask you something for a very long time now", he took a deep breath and then said " I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend". I was shocked that Blaise had asked me this because he never showed a sign of fancying me but I knew Blaise was a good guy so that's why I said "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Blaise". I think I might have said it out loud because I saw Draco had run out of the Great hall.

I told Blaise that I would go to the bathroom and be back. I left the Great hall and started to walk around the corridors looking for Draco. I found him in an empty classroom with his head down in frustration. I asked " What's wrong Draco I saw you leave?" "Kathy you can't be with Blaise", He said. "Well that's not your choice to make" I replied. " I know but I'm just thinking of what's best for you", He said. "What's best for me is to stay away from you." He stared at me with hurt in his eyes and slowly walked up to me. I backed up until I was up against the wall and he kissed me. I didn't pull away and kissed back. I soon pulled away and said " No we can't you're with Pansy and I'm with Blaise and that's how things are supposed to be, I'm sorry ." I walked out of the classroom and went straight to my dorm without even remembering I left Blaise.
Hey guys, here's chapter 17 of the Yule ball!
The next few chapters will get really Interesting so be prepared- Y & J 

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