Chapter 15: The Betrayal

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It is now the night before leaving for Hogwarts. I had told Ginny and Hermione what happened between Draco and I. They were supportive of my feelings for Draco but Hermione was sceptical.

I had decided that I would tell Draco EVERYTHING tomorrow on the train ride. I knew that he felt the same way because if he didn't he would never have kissed me. Or so I thought.

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face from the thought of seeing Draco today. I made my way down stairs with my truck to find Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley's ready to go. 

We took the flying car to get to the Hogwarts Express. My smile immediately  dropped when I remembered I would be seeing Pansy today. We hadn't talked to each other since the day she "apologized".

We said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. I made my way to the train leaving everyone else to go find Draco. I noticed Blaise approaching a compartment so I followed him.

When I entered my heart dropped at what I saw. Pansy was kissing Draco and he seemed to be enjoying it. I  yelled " WHAT THE F**K". I ran out and Draco followed me out and grabbed my wrist . I turned around with tears in my eyes . "What do you think you're doing kissing my slut of a sister", I said. "I need to tell you something, Pansy and I have been dating for about a month now", Draco responded. I felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart. " S-So you kissed me while you were dating Pansy?" "Yes, but it was a mistake because Pansy is the only one that is good for me", Draco said. I left without saying a word, I made it to the compartment where Harry was and Hugged him while crying.

Draco POV:
Kathy saw Pansy kissing me. I couldn't tell her that I only started dating her sister because my father said it would be best for me, I know Kathy hates her sister but she still would care if she knew I was using Pansy.  So I told her our kiss was a mistake even though it wasn't.  All I wanted to do at that moment was tell her I love her and I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life, but I knew that would not be possible.

Katherine POV:
I cried almost the entire way to Hogwart as Harry comforted me. I was thinking about how I could be so stupid thinking that Draco would actually love me. Why wasn't obvious before, Pansy is always first pick so why would this time be any different.

When I had gotten off the train I bumped into a hard figure that I realized was Cedric. He noticed I was crying and asked me what was wrong. "Draco is dating Pansy after he kissed me", I said. I saw his fist clench so I holded his hand to calm him down. Draco had walked past us with his arm around Pansy, Cedric was about to go punch Draco in the face but I held him back . " Watch it Diggory you don't want to start something with me" , Draco said.
"Well you started something with me before you ever started anything with my sister". " Kathy just except he will never love you, you were just a mistake to him and our parents",Pansy said. I was shocked she would say something like that to me so I said , " You may be my sister by blood but you will never be family to me", I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. I took one more glance at Draco before Blaise pulled me away and took me to the Great hall.

Blaise walked me to the Great hall where he led me to the Gryffindor table to sit with my friends. I thanked him and said we could hang out later and he agreed. When I had sat down Hermione pulled me into a hug and said " I know it must be hard but you will find someone even better than Malfoy". I smiled at the thought of knowing I have the most supportive friends.

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