Chapter 26: My New Potion

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I was released from the Hospital Wing the next morning by Madame Pomfrey. She had put a bandage on arm which would help with the cuts. I made my way to my potions class with Snape.

I walked into that class and everyone was staring at me. "Ah Mrs. Parkinson, nice of you to join us, I presume you have a note because of your delay", Professor Snape asked. " Yes sir here you go.", I replied. "Lovely you may take a seat next to..... Mr.Malfoy". I was about to object but Malfoy beat me to it.

" But professor I can't be working with a Mudblood especially one this dumb , I would rather work with.... Granger.", He said in a disgusted tone. I rolled my eyes and just sat next to him. I could feel his eyes burning on me but I chose to ignore it since It was only 1 period.

" Okay students I have an assignment where you will be brewing a Felix Felicis potion and writing an essay about it once it's made." I wasn't bothered by this until Snape proceeded to say, " You will be doing this assignment with the person sitting next to you." I turned around to see a smirking Draco and I dropped my head on the table in frustration. I couldn't believe I had to work on a project with Draco for 6 months!

Once class had ended I ran out of the classroom trying to get to my dorm. I was then grabbed by the wrist and turned around. I looked up and met the eyes of Malfoy. " Now Kathy it isn't very nice to run away from your friends.", Draco said. I scoffed and said "First of all Malfoy we're not friends so I can run away if I feel like it, and Second of all don't call me Kathy." He stared at me deeply but also in confusion. I could tell he was trying to read me so I said, " Take a picture it will last longer", and started laughing.

He got angry and grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall. His face was so close to mine and I knew what I wanted, but I knew he didn't feel that way anymore.

"Look Katherine, I'm not failing Snape's class just because you don't want  to corporate, so we're going to do this project together whether you like it or not, okay!?" I gulped and just nodded my head. I hated that he had so much control over me and he didn't know it. He let go of my wrist and started walking off. He turned back around and said. "I'll be coming to your dorm after dinner so we can start." and then walked away.

I was in my room waiting for Malfoy and he was late. I officially gave up on him and was going to leave to the room of requirements.  I opened the door to find Draco about to knock.

"Well look who decided to show up, 1 hour late.", I said. " I uh got busy after dinner, but I'm here now", he replied. I looked him up and down to see his hair was messy and he smelled of girls perfume. I rolled my eyes and said "Wow you ditched our project to go hook up with a girl, and you say I'm the one who wants to fail." "Hey it's not my fault every girl wants me", He said with a smirk. " Well your wrong not every girl wants you, I obviously don't" I replied confidently. "

Are you sure about that cause I get the feeling you do", He stated  walking closer to me. I backed up and my back hit the wall. "I-I don't know what you're talking about M-Malfoy". He laughed at my excuse of a comeback. I pushed him off and said " Umm okay let's get started on the project." He just nodded as he sat on my bed and I sat on a chair.

" YOU NEED TO STIR SLOWLY AFTER ADDING IN THE TINCTURE OF THYME", draco yelled. "NO YOU NEED TO STIR FAST" I replied. "No you're wrong!", he said. " No you are!", I said. " Wanna make a bet?" He asked. " Sure only because I know I'm going to win." He scoffed and grabbed the book and started to look. He put his head up from the book and started smirking. " What have you found out i'm right?" " Nope because I'm right" , He stated while laughing. " No you're not let me see."

I grabbed the book and started reading the page and he was right he won. I threw the book across the room and said " Rubbish". He started dying laughing and stood up and walked closer to me saying " Well I won so now you have to do your part of the deal". I rolled my eyes and said " Yeah whatever, what do you want me to do your homework?"

He laughed and said "Oh I have something a lot better in mind. " Okay what is it?", I asked. " You'll find out just meet me at my dorm at 12 tonight", He said, smirking. I was confused by why you couldn't have just told me but I tried not to think anything of it. " Okay sure, Malfoy".

" Well can we continue to work on the potion?", Draco asked, sitting back on my bed. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 10. "Oh I ummm need to go", I said. " Where?", Draco asked. " I have to meet someone to work on another assignment for ummm herbology", I said, trying to sound as realistic as possible. Draco looked at me, and I could tell he didn't by it. He then said "Okay well we can continue tomorrow,", as he started to pick up his book and walk to the door. He turned around, came to me and kissed my cheek. " Oh and don't forget about tonight, love", then walked out. I felt my cheeks heating up by dracos touch but I tried pushing that thought out of my head.

I waited a few minutes then walked out of my room and up to the 7th floor. As I was walking I got the feeling that someone was following me but I tried ignoring the feeling. I finally made it to where the room of requirements was but couldn't see the door opening. I started to think about what I was looking for. ( Harry, Hermione, Ron, and everyone else doing spells in the room.)

I opened my eyes to see the door and I walked in and no one was there. I thought I did it wrong until I then heard something fall and turned around and said, "Hello is someone there."  Harry popped out and said " Oh guys it's only Kathy you can come out". Once Harry had said that a lot of people had started coming out but not just Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. There were no other Slytheirn there so it was a little weird but no one cared that I was in Slytherin since I was known as "The nice Slytherin."
Draco's POV:
I wanted to continue working on our project when Katherine said she had to leave. She gave excuses about "having to work on assignment with someone else." We had the same classes and we were not assigned any other projects so that made me suspicious. I told her that we could continue tomorrow and she nodded. I went up to her and kissed her check reminding her about tonight. I was hiding in the common room waiting for her to come out. I followed her when I saw her going to the room of requirements. I thought she might have caught me when she turned around but she didn't see me . She walked into the room, I thought she would come out but she was there for a while so I just went back to my dorm thinking about what would happen tonight....

Katherines' POV:
Harry had gotten everyone to do a lot of defending spells. We started to do duels and I was against Neville Longbottom. He seemed rather nervous to throw a spell at me so I just yelled " Stupefy" and he flew across the room. I felt really bad and walked over to him and lent out my hand. He took it and everyone was staring at me wanting to laugh. I knew he felt embarrassed so I tried to make him feel better by saying, " Guys I just caught him off-guard, he could have beaten me if he tried." Neville smiled at me and I returned the smile, and then continued to duel other people.
Sorry for the long chapter but we think this is one of our favorites.
Thank you so much for reading.
Next chapter will be short.

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