Chapter 18: The Tournament

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I went back home to my family for Christmas break. I was going to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas but my mother and father told me Pansy would be spending her Christmas with Draco's Family. Speaking of Draco we haven't talked about the kiss that we had the night of the Yule Ball but it was for the best since I was dating Blaise now.

I had come back to Hogwarts after the break and went looking for my friends to give them their presents. I was then hugged from behind and turned around to see Blaise. " Hey babe i've missed you over the break, I see you got my present." I looked down at the diamond necklace he had given me before we left for Christmas. "Yes and i've missed you more Blaise" We walked back to my dorm and started to talk about what we had done during the break. It was soon time for dinner and Blaise and I entered the Great Hall holding hands.

Dumbeldore had announced that the final task would take place tomorrow

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Dumbeldore had announced that the final task would take place tomorrow. I am hoping that neither Harry nor Cedric would be hurt in the tournament.
The next morning I woke up and got dressed. Blaise had picked me up at my dorm room and we started walking up the blencher. We took a seat next to Draco and Pansy. When I sat next to Draco I noticed Pansy winked at Blaise, but I didn't think anything of it.

The tournament started and I watched as Cedric and Harry take off.

Harry POV:
I had entered the maze and had the feeling as if someone was following me, but every turn I made I was alone. I found Fleur on the floor unconscious but continued looking for the cup. Victor Krum had come out of no here and was about to cast a spell at me when someone shouted "EXPELLIARMUS". Victor had fallen to the floor and Cedric was about to throw another spell at him when I said "No stop Cedrics he's bewitched". Cedric had started to run looking for the cup as a following he had been grabbed by the vines in the maze. I hesitantly stared between the cup and Cedric and threw a spell to the vines which freed him. We had decided to grab the cup together. Little did we know the cup was a portkey.

We had grabbed the cup hoping for it to take us back to the crowd but we had landed into an unknown graveyard. I had soon recognized a grave that marked the name " Tom Riddle". " Cedric we have to get back to the cup, now" I said. " What are you talking about?" Cedric responded. I fell to my knees in pain from my scar burning. I had told Cedric to get to the cup but he didn't listen. I then saw from a distance someone coming out of the corner. It was Peter Pettigrew holding Voldemort's decaying body. "who are you, what do you want", Cedric yelled. "AVADA KEDAVRA", Peter yelled and Cedric had fallen to the ground. It all happened so fast, as the green light had hit Cedric right in the chest I had a feeling of guilt knowing I couldn't do anything to stop it.

My blood had been taken to transform Voldemort back into his state. He really returned. I had managed to escape using the portkey taking Cedric's body back with me.

I had landed back at the front of the maze with everyone clapping as Cedric and I returned . Little did they know that Cedric was dead and The Dark Lord had returned.

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