Chapter 54: The War: Part 3

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I started running around the corridors looking for Hermione. I saw a death eater about to cast a spell on her, but before he could I said "petrificus totalus!!" The death eater had fallen to the ground as I ran up to her.

"Hermione are you okay!?", I asked bending down. "Yes I'm fine Kathy but we should go to the RR, Harry is there", Hermione said. I stared at her shocked she knew I was one of them, yet she treats me as if I was on her side.

"Hermione, you know I can't help you, I'm with... them", I said, not meeting her eyes. " I know Kathy, but if you were really on their side you wouldn't have just saved me", Hermione said, giving me a warm smile. I helped her get up and we walked off to the RR.

Draco POV:
I needed my wand back. I have been using my mothers recently. I knew where the last horcruxes was, that's where I would find Pottah.  I walked into the RR and Blaise, Goyle, and I spotted Pottah with Weaslbee. We pointed our wands at them and I said, "well,well, what brings you here Pottah".

"I could ask you the same"

"You have something of mine, I'd like it back".

"What's wrong with the one you have".

"It's my mothers, it's powerful but it's...  not the same, It doesn't quite.. understand me, you know what I mean".

"Why didn't you tell her.... Bellatrix".

"You knew it was me, you didn't say anything".

Goyle whispered into my ear saying "go on Draco, don't be a prat, do him".

Before I could shoot a spell, the mudblood Granger yelled "Expelliarmus". Goyle then proceeded to yell "Avada Kedavra". Granger had blocked the spell, and we ran with Weaslbee following us and said "Not my girlfriend you numpties".

Katherine's POV:
I watched as Ron started following Draco,Blaise, and Goyle. A small smile crept on Hermione's face when Ron said she was his girlfriend.  We saw a light appearing from across the room. Ron then came running in our direction, and grabbed Hermione's hand. 

Harry grabbed my hand as we started running from the fire coming in our direction. We saw Ron and Hermione near broom sticks and we all grabbed them and flew into the air.

As we were going to fly out we saw Draco, Blaise, and Goyle hanging onto antiques trying to stay out of the fire. " Guys we need to go save them!! I said yelling as I flew over. " She's joking right, someone tell me she's joking", Ron said. Harry and Hemione had flown after me. I saw Draco hanging on with fear in his eyes. The next thing I knew Goyle had fallen into the fire. My eyes flew open as I sped up to pull Draco on my broom.

Harry had grabbed Blaise and we flew out and landed on the floor as the fire was speeding after us.

Draco had stood up and grabbed my hand and we ran from the RR. "Are you okay, did anything happen?", Draco said, pulling me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around him. " I'm okay, are you okay?", I asked calmly. "Forget me, you're the only thing that matters right now", Draco said. I smiled at what he said.

Harry had ran past us  to go meet the Dark Lord somewhere in the forest. We then proceeded to walk to where the rest of the students were in the Great Hall.

I looked around and saw all the broken faces of everyone. I looked over and saw Tonks and Lupin on the floor. They were dead. I felt tears streaming down my face. They were like family to me, Lupin helped me produce my patronus. He believed in me. Tonks treated me as her own child when I was with the Weasley's. 

I felt Draco rub my back. "Hey it's okay I know how much they meant to you", Draco said. I gave him a sad smile as I continued to look at everyone. And then I saw him. Fred. He was dead.

I felt my heart drop as I ran up to him. "Fred no no no please you can't leave me!!", I said. No response. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. It was Molly.

She pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so so sorry  that you just lost your son", I said. " Dear it's alright I know how much he meant to you too", Molly said smiling, but I could see the tears in her eyes. I looked over at the rest of the Weasly family and gave them a smile. They smiled back when I heard someone come in.

"Well isn't this just the sweetest thing", I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Bellatrix.

She looked at us and met eyes with Ginny and casted a spell at her. I saw the rage form in Molly. "Not my daughter you b*tch", Molly said. Molly started casting spells at Bellatrix, next thing I knew Bellatrix exploded. We then heard Voldemrt call us out.

I met eyes with Draco as I ran to him and intertwined our fingers as we walked out to the front of the castle.

We saw Hagrid walking with something in his arms. It turns out it wasn't something, but someone. It was Harry.

"Harry potter is dead", I heard Voldemort say. I heard Ginny yelling, but was pulled back. The rest of the death eaters had started laughing. I looked at Draco and he looked just as broken as me.

"From this day forth you put your faith in me, now is the time to declare yourself come forward and join us or die", Voldemort had said.

"Draco", Luicus had said in a loud whisper. Draco didn't move.  "Draco", Narcissa repeated. Draco looked at me and said, "I'm sorry". I held his hand tighter and said, " No Draco please don't go... please don't leave me", I said with tears streaming down my face. He looked at me closely debating whether to go or not. " I'm sorry...", He replied with tears streaming down his eyes also. 

He let go of my hand and walked up to Voldemort. "Well done Draco", I heard Voldemort say. " And you Katherine come forward", he said.

I looked around and looked at everyone. This all happened because of him. People died because of him. I never wanted to be on his side. I should have been on this side from the beginning.

"No, I'm not joining you. What you did was cruel, you killed innocent people and you are viel, and I will never join you", I said. 

" This is very disappointing Katherine, you seemed very loyal and you would have been rewarded for all you have done , but you chose the wrong side, that's why it pains me to have to do this", Voldemort said.

I was confused about what he meant by that when I saw his wand pointed at me. I heard him cast a spell at me which brought me to the ground.

The last thing I heard was Draco's scream. Then everything went black.

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