Chapter 43: Becoming One Of Them

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I had taken a quick shower and walked back into the Great Hall to get something to eat. There we're only a few people there. I couldn't eat. I was too worried about Draco and if he was okay.

Wait what if he's dead? No no no he can't be dead, he wouldn't leave me. 
I couldn't eat breakfast, so I just skipped it,  and went to the Hospital Wing to check on him. He was sound asleep, I walked up to him and said "Draco, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm so sorry this had to happen. I've decided to do something that's going to change everything, but it's the only way for you to be safe. I'm not going to just give up on us. I love you, I hope you can hear me. Goodbye". My eyes were starting to get watery, I left the hospital and walked into the Slytherin common room.

I walked into my dorm, and started packing my bags. I wrote a letter to Ivy saying I would be gone for the day, because I was visiting my parents. I appeared and felt my feet land. I looked up and met eyes with The Malfoy Manor.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by Narcissa. " Katherine what a wonderful surprise, what are you doing here?", Narcissa said to me. "Hello Narcissa, I'm here because I need to do something that will help Draco". She stared at me curiously. I explained to her what had happened to Draco and my suspension about why he broke up with me.

"Well what is your plan to help him?", Narcissa asked. " Well he is a death eater, and he has all these tasks, so I think it's best to join him, and become a death eater", I said trying to stay confident. Narcissa stared at me horrified. " Kathy this is a very serious request the dark lord is not someone to ally with he could do anything to the people closest to you."

" I know but I'm doing this for Draco, he means everything to me, and I don't want to lose him", I replied. " You love him don't you?", Narcissa asked him. " Y-Yes I really do", I said. She smiled and said, " Well then I guess you will need to see the dark lord, we will bring you to the next meeting which will be tomorrow night", Narcissa said. " Will Draco be there". "Yes he will, but don't talk to him about it until after the meeting", She replied. I nodded and apparted back to Hogwarts

It was the next day I was going to go visit Draco but Madame Pomfrey said he got discharged before I arrived. I was looking for him all day but he never showed up, so I would just have to wait until the meeting that night.

Draco's POV:
I was discharged from the Hospital Wing  that morning. I had apparated to Malfoy Manor, because I had a meeting that night, and was excused from classes for the day.  

I stayed in my room the rest of the day until my mother called me down stairs for the meeting to begin.

"Hello everyone I would like to start off to say that we will be joined by a new member", Voldemort said. I was surprised we would be joined by a new member since every death eater here has been a part of this group forever.

" I would like everyone to meet Katherine Parkinson". My heart dropped as I heard her name called out. She locked eyes with mine as she nervously sat down next to me.  "Now I would like the rest of you to leave while I talk with Katherine". I hesitantly stood up and walked out, but I looked at Kathy before leaving to see she was already looking at me with an apologetic look.

Katherines POV:
I had walked into the room and locked eyes with Draco. I could see he was furious with me for doing this, but it was for his own good. I took a seat next to him when Voldemort had told everyone to leave.

"Now Katherine why have you suddenly decided to switch sides?", Vodemort asked me. "I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for Draco", I said. " Ah young love very well then stand up and show me your left arm". I did what I was told and handed him my arm which he yanked and put his wand to it. I saw blank ink appear on my arm as a burning feeling hit me. I fell in serious pain screaming from how bad it burned.

I saw Voldemort apparate out of the room when I heard the doors open. I couldn't see who it was from the tears dripping from my eyes. I was then picked up and brought upstairs. I was laid on the bed when I looked and saw Draco. "How F***king stupid could you be Katherine to do this, do you know how much danger you just put yourself in", Draco said pacing around the room.

I didn't want him to know my real reason for becoming a death eater so I just made up a lie. "Okay I was scared, I knew DA would never win against Voldemort so I tried joining the better side", I said. " Kathy you just made the biggest mistake of your life he will hurt you and I don't know if I can stop it", Draco said looking like he's about to cry.

" I'm sorry, but it's for the best I'll be fine", I said. Draco kept pacing around the room wondering if there's a way out of this mess. "Kathy, why did you even do this to yourself", there was still hope for you and Pottah", Draco said while he started to sit down next to me. " No Draco there was no hope", I said. He was going to respond when Narcissa came into the room saying we needed to head back to Hogwarts before anyone noticed we we're missing. 

We nodded and Draco took my hand as we apparated. We felt our feet land on the grounds and we opened our eyes to see we were at Hogwarts. Draco let go of my hand and started to walk away. I sighed knowing he was mad for what I did, but it was all for him. I went back to the common room and saw Ivy reading.

" Kathy, where have you been you missed dinner I didn't think you would be gone for so long", Ivy said. "Oh well I had a very important discussion with my parents", I replied. " Okay... wait what's on your arm?" I froze. I felt like she caught me even though she hadn't been a part of DA. She chose the order of the phoenix and I knew she would  tell Harry and the rest about the mark. I put my sleeves down and just said "Oh it's nothing, I fell doing something", I knew it was a horrible excuse but she just went with it. 

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