Chapter 30: The Argument

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Draco POV:
Umbridge told each of us to grab a member. I quickly turned to look at Kathy and ran to her.  I was holding her arm so she wouldn't run away. As Umbridge was talking to Pottah,  Kathy said "what's wrong with you, let me go you bastard". "Kathy I can't, remember that night you were at the Hospital Wing, I entered her classroom to talk about why she made you write lines and she told me about this group she wants to create to find out what Pottah is up to".

"Your so freaking self-centered you only joined that stupid group to get Potter in trouble, how could you", Kathy said. "How could you go against my back to beat Voldemort when you know he's going to win", I said. Kathy looked at me with pain in her eyes. "You can't be talking to me as if we were a couple", Kathy responded. All I wanted to do at that moment was tell her how I felt, but it wasn't the right time. Yet. I felt bad for getting Kathy in trouble. I whispered to Kathy in her ear "Love, go before Umbridge sees you". She left the RR without anyone seeing her. 

Katherine POV:
Draco was holding me very tight, so I wouldn't escape. He whispered to me I could leave. I left without no one noticing me. I went back to my dorm room to process everything that just happened.

I thought to myself how could I ever love someone as arrogant as him. He let me go so I wouldn't get in trouble. He cares about me. He has a soft spot for me. But I knew nothing could happen because we're so... different. I knew I had to let him go, but every time I tried we found our way back to each other. I had to keep our relationship as a friendship only, but I knew it would be hard so I had to talk to him about it.

The night passed by and I didn't sleep because of the constant thought of what I would say to Draco. The next morning I remembered  that I would have to work on my project with him . I realized that I wasn't in the right mindset to face him. I decided that I would hold off the conversation until I was really ready.

I went to my classes that day, but Draco never show'd up. I was worried about what was happening to him but also relieved that I didn't have to face him until later.

Classes ended and I made my way to Draco's dorm so we could work on the project. I sighed before knocking on the door. After a few seconds he opened the door. We made eye contact for a while when he pulled me into a hug. I pushed my head in his chest and felt like crying but I tried to hold it in. " Kathy i'm so sorry for telling Umbridge about your secret army". "It's okay, I forgive you Draco".

Draco POV
When Kathy entered my dorm, I immediately pulled her into a tight hug, as her head was against my chest. I missed her touch. She forgave me for what had happened yesterday and I was relieved .We spent two hours together working on our project. We didn't argue while working but there was a silence. 

Kathy broke the silence by saying "I'm getting very tired Draco I'm going to head to my dorm room". "But we barely got anywhere". "Draco I'm tired let me go to sleep", she said, I could tell she was about to start crying of how tired she looked. "Ok Kathy, Why don't we stay over christmas break so we can continue the project". "Ok, i'll owl my parents letting them know i'll stay over christmas, Happy, now i'm going to sleep. Good night Malfoy", Kathy said. "Goodnight Parkinson". She knows I hate her calling me  Malfoy but I know she hates being called Parkinson

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