Chapter 53: The War: Part 2

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I felt our feet land and I looked around to find no one there. " Do you think no one came back", I asked. " There has to be people here. I have gotten many letters from Pansy that were addressed from Hogwarts so they must be hiding", Draco replied.

I cringed at the sound of my sister's name, but she was always obsessed with Draco so him getting letters from her wouldn't be surprising. "Did you respond back", I asked nervously. " No I opened them, she was telling me how much she misses me and wished I would come back because maybe our "old spark" might still be there", Draco said.

"Oh", I said. I saw Draco smirk, and he said, " Why are you jealous?" " Of course not", I replied looking down. Draco lifted my chin with his finger.

"Hey, I would never go back to Pansy. I love you too much to ever be with anyone else, I want to spend the rest of my life with you , so don't think you can get rid of me that easily", He said.

I started laughing at his comment. "I love you too", I said pecking his lips. We started walking around looking for anyone.

We heard something fall and turned around holding our wands. A crowd of people came out pointing their wands at us which made us drop ours, and hold our hands up in defense.

"Who is there", I heard a familiar voice say. " Ivy?", I asked. "Kathy is that you?", Ivy asked. " Yeah", I said smiling. A smile formed on her lips as she ran up and hugged me.

"Where have you been?", "Why didn't you return to Hogwarts?", "Did you get taken by Death eaters?", Ivy asked me. I laughed, and said, " I'm okay no I wasn't taken by death eaters I-I was in hiding", I said trying to come up with a good excuse. 

"Well you should have stayed, I heard that Potter was seen somewhere in Hogsmeade ", Ivy responded. Ivy turned to the rest of the group and said, "Guys it's ok she is on our side". Someone I didn't recognize spoke up and shouted "But that's Draco Malfoy, isn't his father one of them". "Well if he was then why would he be fighting on our side", I said. That left the boy speechless.

"Okay well Snape had called all of us to the Great Hall so we should all go", Ivy said. I nodded and grabbed Draco's hand.  We all walked into the Great Hall when we were in rows in front of Snape.

" Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour.... It's come to my attention that earlier this evening... Harry Potter was sited in Hogsmeade "Snape said.   Everyone had started whispering amongst themselves when I looked up and made eye contact with Snape as he nodded towards me. 

"Now should any student or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression, furthermore any person found to have knowledge of these events who fails to come forward will be treated as equally gifted", Snape continued saying.

I saw everyone tense up at Snape's words including the professors. "If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potters movements this evening I invite them to step forward.... Now", Snape said.

I looked around the room and saw no one move. I felt Draco squeeze my hand as a sign that something will happen.

I heard everyone gasp as Draco and I turned around and there he was. Harry. " It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies you still have a bit of a secretary problem Headmaster", Harry said. 
The doors had opened, and Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the order had shown up. Snape had taken out his wand in defense when Mcgonagall stepped in to protect Harry and started casting spells at Snape that he blocked. I wasn't sure why he wouldn't shoot spells back. He had flown out of the room causing everyone to cheer in victory.

Harry then fell to the floor when a voice started speaking. I soon recognized the voice as Voldemort.  A girl had crawled to the corner and started screaming. I squeezed Draco's hand in terror as he rubbed his thumb over my hand to calm me down.

Soon another girl started screaming too, making everyone panic. "I know that many of you want to fight, some of you might even think to fight is wise, but this is falling, give me Harry Potter do this and none will be harmed, give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded", Volderorts voice spoke to everyone.

Everyone had backed away from Harry when I heard someone from across the room yell, " What are you waiting for someone grab him", everyone turned to see who it was. It was Pansy. I rolled my eyes at her comment. Ginny and Hermione had stepped in front of Harry and so did many other students.

Draco and I stood still with other Slytherins. "If you would please lead Miss. Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall", Mcgonagall said. " Exactly where is it that I'll be leading them to?", Filch asked. The dungeons I heard.    

The other houses started clapping as Draco, the rest of the Slytherins, and I were escorted out of the Great Hall to the dungeons.

We all walked down to the dungeons. Anger started to build up inside of me when Pansy started talking crap about Harry and his friend. "At least they are trying to do something to save us all, unlike you pug face", I said. "You don't get a say in this, you left last year , for all  we know you could be a death eater", Pansy responded. Before I could say something back the door of the dungeons exploded relieving death eaters.

Draco grabbed my hand and called out for Blaise and Goyle for us to run. We ran into an empty corridor and stopped in our tracks. " What are we going to do now?" Blaise asked, breathing heavily. "Well You, Goyle, and I are going to the RR, and Kathy will try to fight off some death eaters", Draco replied.

Draco looked over to me with a face that read "Remember the dark lord". I sighed while walking up to him, "Please stay safe", I said, pulling him into a hug as my head was on his chest. He kissed my forehead gently, I said bye to Blaise and Goyle. I separated from them and went looking for Hermione.

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