Chapter 31: Jacob's POV

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 I am in the middle of my hunt for that ravenous beast named River when I hear Seth approaching, and the words he speaks to me through his wolf form are enough to make my entire body tremble. 

Jacob, I'm so sorry, it's Renesmee. I tried to stop her. She knew where he was but she didn't want anyone to get hurt or risk their lives for her. She waited until she was alone. She came and rescued me and told me to find you. Jacob, I think he killed her.  She's in the woods three miles north of the Cullen's house. He was hiding in plain sight.

 My legs nearly come out from beneath me as the other pack members look at me fearfully with their glowing eyes. It feels like my entire world is shattering and spinning on its axis. Edward and the rest of the Cullens look at me in utter confusion. Alice's body nearly goes limp and I can tell that she is having a vision. The selfish part of me hopes that she is seeing what is going on so that I don't have to tell anyone, because this information has me all but catatonic. 

"He's killing her!" She screams weakly. She fills everyone in on what's going on, but I'm not listening. Adrenaline is taking over my entire body and I feel like I begin to grow three times in size. Three miles north of the Cullen House. Three miles. Three miles. Three miles. North. Without a second's notice I turn on my heels and run faster than I ever have in the direction of where Seth said. I pass him on the way and he begins to follow me before I bark at him to go rest. I can tell just by the way that he's running that he's severely injured. 

 Why would she do this?! Why? Why must she have a consistent saviour complex. Doesn't she realize how much I love her? How much I need her? I would be nothing without her. She cant die. I could've found him. I could have killed him, but no. She won't let anyone hurt themselves for her, she's too good. She's too good for me, too kind, too loving. I never thought I'd be a husband or a father, but those are two terms that are starting to look absolutely breathtaking to me. This cannot happen. I have to stop it. 

 I run through the heavy rain as wind attacks me viciously from each direction. I'm getting close now, I can tell. I can feel it in my bones. I can feel her. 

 Hold on Renesmee. Just hold on.  

 I'm going to rip him limb from limb. If I kill him, he will die for good this time. The first time I did it quickly, this time I will make him suffer. This time I will take my time torturing him. I almost run directly over the cobblestone slab before realizing that the ground has seemingly become hollow beneath my paws. This is where she used to come to read. She thought I didn't know about it, but I did.

 I tear my way through the door and skid to a stop when I see her on the floor, stiff. There is no color is that mesmerizing face. Only emptiness. She's... no. God no. She can't be gone. 

"Look who's here, the dog. I sure hope you're house trained. I don't feel like picking up your messes." River says from the table he's sitting atop. He twirls a jug of alcohol in his hands as a smirk haunts his face. 
"Don't worry, she died fast. I just took extra time torturing the baby. Can you believe he's alive in there?" River shrugs.
"He'll die soon enough, after all, mommy's heart isn't beating anymore."

 His words make my blood boil. He? I'm having a son, how dare he speak of my son or Renesmee like that? I leap towards him and he tries to roll out of my way, but I'm far too fast for his melancholic movements. I dig my paws into his chest as I sink my teeth into his shoulder. With ease I rip his arm off, making him scream in agony. 

 A commotion sounds from behind me indicating that the Cullen's and the rest of the pack have finally arrived. 

"She's dead." Bella cries out emptily. Those words only fuel my hatred. Edward leaps onto River's back as I proceed with ripping the disgusting monster apart limb for limb. 

"Light this whole fucking place up!" Emmett growls angrily as Rosalie rushes in and picks Nessie's body up, taking her away from this place and hopefully home. 

"I'm going to fix her! I have a plan." Rosalie shouts over her shoulder. I can't do anything but hope and trust that she really does have a plan. It may be a fools game to hope that she could be saved at this point, but for now I had to believe. If not for anything but my own sanity. 

 I hear the flames roar up as Emmett and Jasper throw the jugs of alcohol onto the ground. I begin hastily picking up the discarded body parts with my mouth and throwing them into the angriest bits of fire. I hear the fire sizzle and smell the disgustingly sweet smell of him disappearing for good. He won't be coming back this time. He will never come back. 

 It takes us what feels like hours to fully rip him apart and burn him, but eventually it's done. Not even seconds after we all leave the cellar, it erupts into a burst of flames and explosions. I collapse onto the ground and shift back to my human form as sobs shake my entire body. Seth limps up to me, already back in his human for as well. 

"Is she?" He asks, misty eyed. 

"I think so, but Rosalie says she knows of something that might be able to save her." I whisper, more sobs erupting from my body. 

"She wanted you to know, if she dies, I mean really dies. That it's a boy, and she planned to name him Ephraim, after your grandfather." He cries, sitting on the ground beside me. I can faintly hear the people standing around us begin to cry and get emotional. 

"Don't tell me that." Tears stream freely down my face as a life without her flashes before my eyes. 

"You need to know. And she wanted flowers to be planted here so that she can still be something beautiful. And she wants you to know that it's not your fault." He breaths out as I begin to sob harder. I knew he was doing this as a last favor to her, but it felt definitive to me. 

This can't be the end...

This isn't the end...

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