Chapter 20: Treaty

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 I sat on the couch with Jacob's arm wrapped tightly around me as everyone solemnly absorbed the information Jacob had just told them. Dad didn't even seem as excited to tell everybody about my new abilities, he instead had a stressed expression on his face as he looked out of the tall glass window towards the dark and thick forest. 

"Jacob." He said, his voice raspy with stress and strain. Jake sat up a bit, patting the small of my back before pulling his arm away. 

"Yes?" He asked, standing up. 

"Go home. I need you to draw the treaty line again. Make an exception, of course, for Bella and I. That way we can both come and go freely. It's the only way to keep Renesmee safe." His eyes were still focused on the dark trees outside. 

"But, wasn't the treaty just an agreement? It's not like it has any magical properties." I asked, sitting up quickly. The idea of the treaty line being drawn again made me uncomfortable, primarily because it gave off a sense of a divide between our kind and the wolves. 

"There is a way I can do it where it will stop a vampire from crossing. It will feel kind of like being hit by a bolt of lightening. Not enough to kill, but enough to injure the intruder and warn us." Jacob said, looking back at me and then back towards dad. 

"I'll go now. I'll call you when it's done." Jacob said sternly. He pressed his lips to my forehead and quickly made his way out of the door. Everytime he left, my comfort left with him. I think I will always be this attached to him, I will always need him and he will always need me. 

"Renesmee has something to share with everyone." Alice finally broke the silence, snapping me out of my trance. I looked up and noticed everyone was looking at me and I subconsciously wondered how long they'd been staring at me. I raised my brow at Alice in panic. I thought she or dad would tell everyone, not put it all on me. I'm terrible under pressure. 

"It really isn't our information to share." Alice answered my unspoken question matter-of-factly. 

"What's going on?" Mom asked, standing up and walking over to sit next to me, putting her arm around me lovingly. I don't know much of what she was like before I was born, but now I see many similarities between her and Esme. She radiates nurturing energy all around her and I've always felt my most at ease with her.  

"I um-" I tried to figure out the best way to tell them. 
"Dad had a theory that I could do what he does, just not exactly the same. The mechanics are a little different. I can read minds, but only if I want to do it. I can easily turn it on or off. People with weaker mental guards are easier of course, but I was able to break through and read Alice's mind tonight." I kept my head down as I awaited a reaction to my words. 

"Renesmee." Mom whispered. I looked up at her and could see the pride written all over her facial expression.
"I hope you realize how amazing you are. That's incredible." She said, wrapping me up into a tight hug. 

"Your mother is right. I do wonder, though." Carlisle said, with a perplexed expression. I pulled away from moms embrace and looked at Carlisle in confusion, wondering what he was getting at. 

"I wonder since you have your fathers abilities, if maybe, perhaps, you have your mother's as well." He explained, looking at everyone in the room to see how they would react to what he had said. Everyone nodded. 

"It does make sense." Rosalie said from her seat next to Emmett who as usual, was just looking between everyone looking absolutely lost. 

"How?" I asked in confusion.
"Wouldn't I have been able to protect myself back in Italy? You all saw how beat up I was." 

"You could be right. But it is worth a try. Bella, would you work with her tomorrow to see if we are correct?" Carlisle asked. Mom held my hand tightly and nodded. 

"Then I guess it's settled." Emmett spoke up. 

"What's settled?" I asked. 

"You're more powerful than all of us. So, in conclusion, you could kick all of our asses. So I'm going to stay on your good side from now on, kid." He laughed causing the seriousness to lift from the room as we all laughed. I couldn't even really remember the last time we all laughed like this together, but it felt nice.

"Are you going to live with him?" Jasper spoke up. I glanced over at him in confusion and then quickly realized what he meant.

"Yes." I answered. It pained me to say it because my entire life I'd always been here with my family. But I guess there comes a point for all of us to move on from our childhood homes. My time came the moment Jacob rescued me from that hell I was being held in and kissed me for the first time. That was the day that 'home' became something entirely different for me. 

"It's safer for her there, anyways." Dad finally turned away from the window. 
"Besides, they're in love. We all knew that day was coming." He said. I blushed in embarrassment and looked down. 

"Are you leaving tonight?" Rose asked, walking over and sitting on the other side of me. I nodded before even really thinking about it. 

"Can we at least help you pack?" She asked, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. 

"We are definitely helping her pack." Mom laughed. 
"She may be an adult now but she doesn't get a choice about that." 

I laughed softly, accepting my defeat reluctantly. I quickly hugged everyone in the room and made my way upstairs with mom, Rose, and Alice.

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