Chapter 16: Secrets

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"If he's not telling you something it's probably for a reason, Ness." Charlie said as he reached onto the top shelf of moms old closet. I sat on the bed and ran my fingertips across the thick quilt. He hadn't changed anything when mom moved out, probably because he never truly faced the fact the she had grown up. He was sentimental that way, even if he didn't show it.

"I just find it weird, that's all. He's never kept anything from me before. At least he didn't when we were just friends." I sighed thinking through the possibilities that he might treat me differently now that we were romantically linked, and I didn't like the thought of it. He used to upset mom and dad because he refused to keep secrets from me, so why is he starting now?

"Oh now don't you go starting that. He will tell you when the time is right. Maybe there is something going on and he just doesn't want you to worry about it until he figures out if there is really any reason to worry at all." He huffed breathlessly as he pulled down a large bag.

"What's that?" I asked curiously as he walked over and heaved the bag onto the bed. I was eager for any chance to change the subject, so I welcomed this distraction warmly.

"Just some things I thought your mom would wanna see. I found her old camera and photo albums. Lots of pictures of her in school and then her with your dad." He said as I unzipped the bag and flipped open the first photo album. I smiled as I gazed at the pictures of her. It's so crazy that these look like they were taken yesterday. Of course she's more coordinated and graceful now, but our lack of aging still catches me by surprise. I flipped to the next page and froze as I saw a picture of Jacob. He also looked the same. It's crazy to think this was taken before I even existed.

"I'll tell ya, kid. This is one complicated existence your mom has wrangled me into. But it's also one I wouldn't change for anything in this world." He said sitting next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and continued to flip through the pages.

"She's gonna love this, Gramps. Thanks for giving it to me." I smiled and gave him a half-hug with my right arm.

"No problem. Come on now, I'll bet they're finished talking about whatever it was they were talking about. Let's go get some food in ya." He sighed as he stood up. I could tell he was getting older and moving around took more of a toll on him, but he didn't show it. I followed him down the stairs where Sue and Jacob looked as though they'd been arguing. I didn't want to interrupt so I just made myself a bowl of food and went to sit on the couch next to Charlie as he watched the game.

"Please promise me that you will keep Seth and Leah safe, Jacob." Sue whispered. Jacob shushed her but I made no indication that I'd heard and kept my back turned to them. It was quiet for a moment before their hushed whispers began again.

"Please, I don't want her knowing. Not yet. She only just got back. We will talk later but you know I would happily die to protect any member of my pack. I promise." He whispered in a voice so low that I had to strain my already sensitive hearing to hear what he had said. I heard a few bowls clanking around and Jacob finally came into the living room and sat on the floor in front of where I was sitting. We watched the game with Charlie and Sue and made small talk for a couple of hours before finally leaving.

"Mom said that she and dad will be making a trip to see you soon." I told Charlie as he and Sue walked us out. His face lit up and he smiled as excitement radiated around him.

"She better." He laughed, opening the drivers side door for me. I got in and Jacob hugged Charlie and then Sue before he got into the passenger seat. I started the car and pulled out onto the slick street as rain pummeled down around us. Silence crept it's way through the truck and I could see that Jacob was uncomfortable and trying to search for any possible way to break the silence.

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